In the past couple weeks I’ve written numerous pieces on the Freedom Convoy and the increasing measures the Canadian government has used and threatened.
Now Trudeau has turned up the heat again, invoking rarely used emergency powers to disperse the protestors. And these rules don’t just cover the protestors themselves.
First it was simply shadow banning ‘inconvenient’ posts or sending the Twitter mob at a target. Then came actual removal from social media. This isn’t enough, and again Justin is reaching for the government’s sledgehammer of force to smash anybody who dares to support the protestors. A quick reminder of the difference between this and the last major protest:
Trudeau claims to have heard the protestors while calling them law-breakers and threatening them any way he can. For whatever political reason, he’s treating this as Canada’s January 6 and demanding more and more power instead of simply lifting the mandates.
Cadalin Valcea, a truck driver from Montreal protesting for more than two weeks, said he will move only if forced: "We want only one thing: to finish with this lockdown and these restrictions."
And provinces are doing that already. They all claim it’s unrelated to the protests, just like blue-state ‘leaders’ claim it’s unrelated to the polls. (Hogwash)
The writing is the wall. The people have had enough of covid madness and the mandates WILL end. Yet Trudeau is STILL escalating the situation. And there’s not many cards left in the government’s hand before forcibly removing protestors looks like a ‘sane’ option.
Things move quickly in tyranny. This stuff would have been unthinkable just a couple MONTHS ago. Can you imagine Trudeau threatening the bank accounts of the BLM leaders based on the actions of the most violent among them? Me neither.
It’s all very unsettling up here, to say the least.