Race Essentialism is beyond the pale. Race has little to nothing to do with it.
The fundamental difference is in number of parents in the early childhood home. This was predicted accurately in the Moynihan Report written more than half a century ago.
The pending litmus test in just under eight weeks will determine whether the US is dissolved by acid or alkali, or if it can return to the world of sanity and reason.
Does anybody besides hooch think they don't already know who buys guns? And ammo? And cheerios? Every transaction is on video. Their software can even id you with a mask. Cash just tags you as being suspicious.
I used to worry that only the dumbest people get elected, but I've found their voters to be dumber. We have an epidemic of stupid.
This is especially galling in that we know that overwhelmingly, gun crime is coming from illegally purchased guns, so this will have exactly zero impact on crime.
A bit of a side note: This is a good time to read about Indira Gandhi's Long Emergency in India, mid-1975 to March 1977. That emergency, which was completely political, ended because of social and political pressure against it, and she and her party were voted out. Our emergency is now quite a bit longer-term than Gandhi's.
So Hochul (and Elizabeth Warren and the other fascist Karens in on this) are claiming people are trafficking firearms by purchasing them at gun stores using credit cards? So you fill out the background check, get approved, buy however many firearms your state law allows per month, and then traffic them? I’m sorry, but it’s evident these horrible people don’t give a $hit about gun violence. They are either completely ignorant or (my vote) ruthlessly exploiting this platform to attack and handicap the people they perceive as their political foes precisely because they know how law abiding and respectful we are.
They would do it even if we weren't law abiding and respectful. They do it because we allow it. We need to legally and respectfully refuse to comply with their oppression. Then we need to convince our neighbors to do the same. They have no power of their own, only what we give them.
Canada's conservative party has elected a rambunctious populist. They're still a minority party but their fortunes are likely to shift. The race is on to see whether Canada or the US cleans out their government first.
“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
Wouldn't an "election denier" refer to someone not running/not voting? We have moslems like that here, who don't vote because the only authorities are god and the prophet and the Quran. That's an election denier, right?
The FBI is very reminiscent of various european secret police forces, in that they seem (from over here) to live largely on their own mythology, and their ability to always serve the incumbent power instead of the law, the nation or the people. Kind of how our IB (Information Bureau, an illegal joint venture between the Socialist Democrat party, the unions and the secret police proper, active in the 1960s and 1970s) used to work. Which is nothing to strive for.
I'd laugh at the black nazis demanding segregation and apartheid if it wasn't so tragical. What was the point with desegregation at all then? Should of set one state aside for the blacks and let them run it, see how it goes, back in the 1960s - because that seems to be the aim nowadays, at least from people like the 'technically a human' in the clip.
And their mythology is simply a product of television consistently portraying the FBI as the 'straight arrow' agency -- even if they have to go a little rogue to get the 'bad' guys.
I think maybe the 'leaders' think if they can get BIPOCs to self-segregate, they can get anybody to do anything. Sadly, they may well be correct.
I'm not surprised that they are turning the so-called "Patriot" Act on people domestically. I'm surprised it took them twenty years to get this blatant about it.
Some of us knew this would happen right from the start and it's why we don't trust either side with power.
"I'm surprised it took them twenty years to get this blatant about it."
It would have taken them even longer if DJT and we DJT voters didn't blow up the party establishments in 2016, causing the Statist panic, and forcing them to move up their Great Reset agenda. (As noted above.) They would have continued *slowly* boiling us frogs.
This is true. There was something about people electing DJT, even though as far as "ruling" goes, I can't see his actual threat to the establishment. It's befuddled me. He kept on Obama's people, for goodness sake. That was his biggest blunder, but it also meant he, himself, was no real danger to the machine.
Remember, in 2016 DJT was a piker politician. he had no *political* underlings to staff his administration like *any* establishment Dem or Rep would have. He only had his (private sector) organization cronies and family.
If elected in 2024, he will have *massive* help from anti-establishment Republicans who will help him staff with *non*-surrepticiously-Deep-Staters.
They didn't do it on their own. We are co conspirators. They only oppress us to the extent we allow. If it wasn't the patriot act, they have lots of other laws to keep us down.
The US is not a nation of laws, but one of political wills.
Yep. Maybe we should go back and start listening to those people who were correct the whole time instead of being spectacularly wrong and mocking those who ended up being right?
They can cancel your credit, freeze your crypto, steal your gold, and deflate your currency. There are "emergencies" pipelined for all the pretexts the control-freaks could ever need.
You know how, in what used to be the real world, you might loathe your boss or your neighbor, but you kept it inside because there are social conventions that prevent you from the verbal diarrhea that leaves a heck of a mess?
Trump the Human Catalyst made everyone lose sphincter control.
Saddest example I saw was Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post, who always spoke so thoughtfully and wrote insightfully and seemed to be a really, really nice man. But those inner resentments he'd been too prudent, and perhaps too mature, to let out in public? He lost all his inhibitions too. I felt more badly about that than anyone else in the public sphere who I once thought had any credibility.
Image from over here, apart from the daily TDS from state and regime media, was that Trump was the boil finally bursting.
As in, US media including entertainment had been in an ever-tightening death-spiral of political correctness and passive-aggressive sniping due to the aforementioned PC choking free speech for decades - at least since the 1970s.
And then along came Donald Trump, and the pressure inside the boil that is media just grew at such a pace and scope and scale that it all spewed forth at once. It looked very liberating from here, the way already racist and hateful talkshow hosts and pundits like "The Young Turks" (do those clowns have any idea what that phrase means?) seemed to just let everything come out, Arthur Janov-therapy style.
(Or I'm simply projecting the feeling of relief after years of not being able to speak my mind about students, parents and policies when I was employed: swedish school law stipulates the teacher must live according to the core values laid down in said law, which includes political opinions and affiliations - but not your conduct in the classroom.)
More, I think, just cheap, shabby, tawdry, mediocrities swimming in the same self-referential swamp and shocked when somebody didn't see 'em as magnificent.
Funny how *all* the contested states from 2020 have "deniers" on every ballot.
I wonder what the "skeptics" map will look like in 2024. (See, when Republicans question/distrust, they are "deniers." When Dems do it, a la 2016, 2004, 2000,...., they are "justifiably skeptical.")
Edit: Wow! What up with MA?! Are they the CNN of states? ;-)
Thanks, M. BHerr. (I am rarely this lucky: When I saw SimCom's notification, the timestamp on the article read, "Just Now." I could barely contain my glee!)
They couldn't get away with that (just as in many other areas) if enough of the media were properly skeptical themselves, instead of language-twisting water-carriers. Of course, as in the case of CNN (and other signs), if enough of the People regain their proper skepticism, the media should follow, even if kicking and screaming.
Senate Intelligence chair Mark Warner said it's "stunning" that 21 years after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, "the attack on the symbol of our democracy" hadn't come from foreign threats but from within the US.
"I remember, as most Americans do, where they were on 9/11. I was in the middle of a political campaign and suddenly, the differences with my opponent seem very small in comparison and our country came together. And in many ways, we defeated the terrorists because of the resilience of the American public because of our intelligence community, and we are safer, better prepared," Warner told CBS's "Face the Nation" host Margaret Brennan.
"The stunning thing to me is here we are 20 years later, and the attack on the symbol of our democracy was not coming from terrorists, but it came from literally insurgents attacking the Capitol on January 6th," he added.
There are most likely active terror cells operating within the borders of the United States. Most likely either from our open borders or flown over from the Afghanistan debacle.
Race Essentialism is beyond the pale. Race has little to nothing to do with it.
The fundamental difference is in number of parents in the early childhood home. This was predicted accurately in the Moynihan Report written more than half a century ago.
The pending litmus test in just under eight weeks will determine whether the US is dissolved by acid or alkali, or if it can return to the world of sanity and reason.
Does anybody besides hooch think they don't already know who buys guns? And ammo? And cheerios? Every transaction is on video. Their software can even id you with a mask. Cash just tags you as being suspicious.
I used to worry that only the dumbest people get elected, but I've found their voters to be dumber. We have an epidemic of stupid.
Stupid and irrational people are the goal of the leftists.
This is especially galling in that we know that overwhelmingly, gun crime is coming from illegally purchased guns, so this will have exactly zero impact on crime.
Everything, I mean EVERYTHING, depends on building the "non-cooperating" numbers of resistors.
Popular uprising require massive popularity to avoid sizzling out.
I've been wondering where Kackala has been! She looks like shit! Good for her!
A bit of a side note: This is a good time to read about Indira Gandhi's Long Emergency in India, mid-1975 to March 1977. That emergency, which was completely political, ended because of social and political pressure against it, and she and her party were voted out. Our emergency is now quite a bit longer-term than Gandhi's.
Oh, and we’re still in the terrorism emergency Bush declared a few days after the 9/11 attacks. Biden renewed it again on Friday: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/09/09/notice-on-the-continuation-of-the-national-emergency-with-respect-to-certain-terrorist-attacks-2/
If you let the government break the law during an emergency, there will always be an emergency. (at least one!)
So Hochul (and Elizabeth Warren and the other fascist Karens in on this) are claiming people are trafficking firearms by purchasing them at gun stores using credit cards? So you fill out the background check, get approved, buy however many firearms your state law allows per month, and then traffic them? I’m sorry, but it’s evident these horrible people don’t give a $hit about gun violence. They are either completely ignorant or (my vote) ruthlessly exploiting this platform to attack and handicap the people they perceive as their political foes precisely because they know how law abiding and respectful we are.
They would do it even if we weren't law abiding and respectful. They do it because we allow it. We need to legally and respectfully refuse to comply with their oppression. Then we need to convince our neighbors to do the same. They have no power of their own, only what we give them.
Canada's conservative party has elected a rambunctious populist. They're still a minority party but their fortunes are likely to shift. The race is on to see whether Canada or the US cleans out their government first.
Canada will win.
Well have better data Nov 9th.
“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
― Frederick Douglass
Wouldn't an "election denier" refer to someone not running/not voting? We have moslems like that here, who don't vote because the only authorities are god and the prophet and the Quran. That's an election denier, right?
The FBI is very reminiscent of various european secret police forces, in that they seem (from over here) to live largely on their own mythology, and their ability to always serve the incumbent power instead of the law, the nation or the people. Kind of how our IB (Information Bureau, an illegal joint venture between the Socialist Democrat party, the unions and the secret police proper, active in the 1960s and 1970s) used to work. Which is nothing to strive for.
I'd laugh at the black nazis demanding segregation and apartheid if it wasn't so tragical. What was the point with desegregation at all then? Should of set one state aside for the blacks and let them run it, see how it goes, back in the 1960s - because that seems to be the aim nowadays, at least from people like the 'technically a human' in the clip.
I vote for Kalifornia.
And their mythology is simply a product of television consistently portraying the FBI as the 'straight arrow' agency -- even if they have to go a little rogue to get the 'bad' guys.
I think maybe the 'leaders' think if they can get BIPOCs to self-segregate, they can get anybody to do anything. Sadly, they may well be correct.
I'm not surprised that they are turning the so-called "Patriot" Act on people domestically. I'm surprised it took them twenty years to get this blatant about it.
Some of us knew this would happen right from the start and it's why we don't trust either side with power.
"I'm surprised it took them twenty years to get this blatant about it."
It would have taken them even longer if DJT and we DJT voters didn't blow up the party establishments in 2016, causing the Statist panic, and forcing them to move up their Great Reset agenda. (As noted above.) They would have continued *slowly* boiling us frogs.
This is true. There was something about people electing DJT, even though as far as "ruling" goes, I can't see his actual threat to the establishment. It's befuddled me. He kept on Obama's people, for goodness sake. That was his biggest blunder, but it also meant he, himself, was no real danger to the machine.
Remember, in 2016 DJT was a piker politician. he had no *political* underlings to staff his administration like *any* establishment Dem or Rep would have. He only had his (private sector) organization cronies and family.
If elected in 2024, he will have *massive* help from anti-establishment Republicans who will help him staff with *non*-surrepticiously-Deep-Staters.
We are no fools, and this time we will be ready.
They didn't do it on their own. We are co conspirators. They only oppress us to the extent we allow. If it wasn't the patriot act, they have lots of other laws to keep us down.
The US is not a nation of laws, but one of political wills.
I don't disagree with you in general, but you try contradicting the madness of the masses.
All fights are risky. But not fighting can be risky, too. We have to decide where the better risk is.
And some fights become necessary for our very survival.
Yep. Maybe we should go back and start listening to those people who were correct the whole time instead of being spectacularly wrong and mocking those who ended up being right?
I'm surprised Ron Paul hasn't written us all off.
"I’m sure the agency has since straightened up and only tracks the ‘bad’ people."
Nope. Never, actually. (I know, I can "taste" your sarcasm, you wonderful skeptic, you!)
Gah! You saw through my clever ruse!
End the Fed, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(I would have posted that article, but a little birdie told me everyone here already read it!)
Yes, and end the Fed before its luck runs out.*
*(Yellen is yellin' for "luck" to save us, causing this Atheist to yell, "God save us!" Strange times, indeed.)
From now on, everything in cash.
It's also a practical way to fight the CBDC agenda.
Doesn't matter, unless you spend it in an alley, in a disguise, at night. Using cash is probable cause. Charges to follow, maybe.
Don't forget, with cahs they can always call in the IRS for an audit, asking you to prove where the cash comes from.
Down to demanding you prove where a specific bill, note or coin comes from.
And spend it while it's worth something.
They can cancel your credit, freeze your crypto, steal your gold, and deflate your currency. There are "emergencies" pipelined for all the pretexts the control-freaks could ever need.
I do wish those stinking criminals would stop buying guns/s
Yeah, legally even.
criminals always use visa, didnt you know?
Yes, and usually with someone else's name.
does she have any self awareness at all? CRT at work
No, she is a mental Pygmy and a stump and a whore……..oops, did I just say that!?!
Denise! Learn to write *safely*!
I'm sure you meant something like, "In the forest of Democrats, she's a giant Sequoia."
Timothy…..ooops, of course you’re right……obviously I misspoke……by the way, I did write to Fox and said, WHERE’s John Solomon……I gave it a shot.
Oh, and thanks for putting me onto Just The News. Thanks, Timothy.
thats offensive to pygmies and whores!
You’re right………I’ll have myself flogged at dawn…….
You know how, in what used to be the real world, you might loathe your boss or your neighbor, but you kept it inside because there are social conventions that prevent you from the verbal diarrhea that leaves a heck of a mess?
Trump the Human Catalyst made everyone lose sphincter control.
Saddest example I saw was Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post, who always spoke so thoughtfully and wrote insightfully and seemed to be a really, really nice man. But those inner resentments he'd been too prudent, and perhaps too mature, to let out in public? He lost all his inhibitions too. I felt more badly about that than anyone else in the public sphere who I once thought had any credibility.
Image from over here, apart from the daily TDS from state and regime media, was that Trump was the boil finally bursting.
As in, US media including entertainment had been in an ever-tightening death-spiral of political correctness and passive-aggressive sniping due to the aforementioned PC choking free speech for decades - at least since the 1970s.
And then along came Donald Trump, and the pressure inside the boil that is media just grew at such a pace and scope and scale that it all spewed forth at once. It looked very liberating from here, the way already racist and hateful talkshow hosts and pundits like "The Young Turks" (do those clowns have any idea what that phrase means?) seemed to just let everything come out, Arthur Janov-therapy style.
(Or I'm simply projecting the feeling of relief after years of not being able to speak my mind about students, parents and policies when I was employed: swedish school law stipulates the teacher must live according to the core values laid down in said law, which includes political opinions and affiliations - but not your conduct in the classroom.)
Yes, but even more than that: "How could *he* be more important than we are?
That killed them.
High school-clique behaviour at its finest, eh?
Just a little less clever.
I love what you said about sphincter control……perfect and funny.
Trump really broke people. Like, permanently broke them.
He exposed how brittle they'd been from the very start.
And psychotic, deranged, ignorant, violent, dishonest etc.
More, I think, just cheap, shabby, tawdry, mediocrities swimming in the same self-referential swamp and shocked when somebody didn't see 'em as magnificent.
Oh, that "denier" map!!
Funny how *all* the contested states from 2020 have "deniers" on every ballot.
I wonder what the "skeptics" map will look like in 2024. (See, when Republicans question/distrust, they are "deniers." When Dems do it, a la 2016, 2004, 2000,...., they are "justifiably skeptical.")
Edit: Wow! What up with MA?! Are they the CNN of states? ;-)
I came here to write this exact comment. Good job.
Thanks, M. BHerr. (I am rarely this lucky: When I saw SimCom's notification, the timestamp on the article read, "Just Now." I could barely contain my glee!)
Exactly. The language they use depends on who wins.
They couldn't get away with that (just as in many other areas) if enough of the media were properly skeptical themselves, instead of language-twisting water-carriers. Of course, as in the case of CNN (and other signs), if enough of the People regain their proper skepticism, the media should follow, even if kicking and screaming.
Edit: Just one example: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/nyt-columnist-says-biden-admin-running-a-political-operation-using-threat-to-democracy-as-leverage/ar-AA11scQZ
The monk is correct, we are in fact "battling a threat from within"
Another example:
Senate Intelligence chair Mark Warner said it's "stunning" that 21 years after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, "the attack on the symbol of our democracy" hadn't come from foreign threats but from within the US.
"I remember, as most Americans do, where they were on 9/11. I was in the middle of a political campaign and suddenly, the differences with my opponent seem very small in comparison and our country came together. And in many ways, we defeated the terrorists because of the resilience of the American public because of our intelligence community, and we are safer, better prepared," Warner told CBS's "Face the Nation" host Margaret Brennan.
"The stunning thing to me is here we are 20 years later, and the attack on the symbol of our democracy was not coming from terrorists, but it came from literally insurgents attacking the Capitol on January 6th," he added.
There are most likely active terror cells operating within the borders of the United States. Most likely either from our open borders or flown over from the Afghanistan debacle.
There have been active terror cells here in the US since before 2001. Of course, they're here.