I think Joe Rogan went above and beyond. From what I can tell most people thought the tweet was real. That said, it was so easily believable because it is exactly what we are expecting around %70-%80 of the population to respond like. I don't know the exact number but I read somewhere that the (western) population is made up of 3 types of people; the compliant, the resistant and the go along to get along. The Federal government tells the compliant what to do, they attack/harass the resistant and they target the go along's to control their perception of reality.
1) Compliant: These people will comply with whatever government tells them to do. The majority of these people are form the Millennial and GenZ generations as they are the 1st generations to get the full indoctrination process K-12 and colleges. Prior to these generations there was still indoctrination but mainly in the universities. This is why so many GenXer's who are blue collar/trades people, those who didn't go to a university or went to a trade school/community colleges, are in the second group. Most college graduates from 2000 and on are in this group. They also are the ones who never knew what the world was like before the internet. The majority of what we call the woke are in the compliant group. Unfortunately the vast majority of women fall into this group too..
2) Resistant: These are the ones who won't simply do as told when there is some question about what they are being told to do. These are the ones who press those in charge for answers/data. They consist mainly of Genx & Boomers. The overwhelming majority of gun owners fall into this group. They are the ones the Federal government targets for harassment and intimidation. Most men are in this group.
3) Go-along-to-get-along: This is the group that go with the wind. Humans are social creatures and seek group acceptance. They will do whatever they perceive to be the majority view. If you can control what these people perceive you can effectively manipulate them like a puppet.
I once worked with a guy who said to never offer culpability for something. He was director of IT, I was a web developer and occasional IT helper if they needed extra help. He said to always say that something went wrong with the software or the hardware, to make up a technical excuse if need be, to never say it was my fault if a problem was actually my fault. I'm glad I don't work there anymore.
This is a common trait for executives in mid to large companies. Sadly most humans are bad at admitting fault. We believe that if we do that those around us will look down or se us as less because we faulted. I know this because I am the opposite. I work in IT and when I screw something up I admit it. I have found that this doesn't cause people to see you as less. I think it does the opposite. If people know you will admit fault when you are at fault they see you as more trust worthy.
Agreed. My manager's encouragement to lie just solidified my own focus on telling the truth and owning up if something happens; in the past twenty years companies & clients have respected my honestly and have seen it as a valuable trait.
ALWAYS respect the client for without them you'd have no job. The reputation you create with your clients just may be the most important thing you can ever do in your work life. I worked for the largest software vendor in a vertical market and left to be an independent contractor doing the same things I did before. It wasn't even 1 year before my current employer offered not only to hire me but to pay to relocate my family from 1 state to another. All because of how I treated them when I worked for the vendor. I respected them unlike my former employer. In fact I often am n LinkedIn helping others who use teh same software b/c I know that support from teh vendor can be half-arse.
Within the Mid to large sized corporate world there are 2 problem scenarios. The first is where all the executives are ivy school graduates with political connections and so they are in the position they are NOT because they earned it but because it was awarded to them. They also are often idjits (slang for the non-intelligent that must be used because of social media censorship)/.
The other is when a small business does so well so fast that it becomes a mid to large size company rapidly and so many of it's executives are where they are not because they can do the job but because they've been their from the start. It's the classic case of being promoted up and up until you reach a position you can't really handle but they leave you in it anyway instead of dripping you back down to a level you can handle.
At the start of the Covid insanity I had seen a Chinese doctor who was sending out notifications because he was very concerned about alerting the rest of the world. The CCP was suppressing the information. I think I saw two maybe three posts by this doctor. But when I went to check the third or fourth day he no longer was on the net. Instead there was a girl who was saying something slightly different. And then the next day there was a video of a guy saying word for word the exact same thing as the young woman the day before. Did anyone else see those first real video alerts that the original doctor was posting? Did anyone else see those? I am kicking myself for not downloading them?
The propaganda campaign around the fake vax is absolutely astonishing... and beyond obvious at this point. It is so bad I've started to wonder if the zealots still believing this "sAfe AnD EfFeCtiVE!" trash aren't actually under some kind of demonic possession or "Three-Body Problem"-style of "mental seal." The degree of their fanaticism despite the obvious lies on their side and the enormous damage it is doing to them as well is truly mind-boggling.
Of those who are still what I call the "true believers", those who still to this day, buy into the current narrative about covid, can be broken down into 3 groups.
One group truly believe in what they are saying. They genuinely believe in whatever the current narrative is about covid. They also tend to be the "compliant", those in society who will comply with whatever government tells them to do. They also are typically %100 pro vaccine no matter what the vaccine is. If you make a drug and lace the label vaccine on it then they believe it is an effective and safe medication because why would teh government disallow suing a vaccine manufacturer for harm or death from one of their vaccines?
The second are those who know it's BS but they promote it because it benefits them in some way or they are being coerced/blackmailed into promoting it. These tend to be the higher ups in the medical world and of course those within the pharmaceutical industry.
The last are those who deep down inside don't really believe it but they tell themselves they must. They do this because if they admit it was a lie it will mean they will have helped in promoting or even coercing a loved one or fried into getting the vaccine who then suffered from it or even died. If you are a mother and you got the jab for your child and then they died if you face reality and admit it was a lie, that means you killed your own child. I dent know many mothers with the strength to admit they harmed or even killed someone.
Following "the science" seemingly would settle all arguments. Until you find out "the experts" are deciding what to tell us based on how they think we'll respond best. And changing stories as old lies are cast aside. This isn't science, which we all think is as subjective and accurate as mathematics, it's a psy-op and, at best, pseudo-science. But they'll drag any good name through miles of horseshit if they think it will yield some desired result.
Yep -good reminder here - Gotta stop repeating their control mantra of Follow the Science. Science is NOT monolithic; it's messy, contradictory & never settled so we follow the trail of evidence on a topic until we understand it better or can formulate an analysis. And then it's quite possible that old or new facts (evidence) will come to light changing the "science" again.
UK Comedian Alistair Williams > Bogus NWO plan > Podcast: " FOLLOW THE SCIENCE"
First published at 16:38 UTC on November 8th, 2021.
Hamlin took a shoulder blow to the precardium (chest over the heart) and this is known to sometimes stop the heart, like the rare kid hit there with a line drive in a baseball game. It's the well established risk of CTE that concerns this retired psychiatrist. BTW, we Americans receive (or "received" in the near past) 72 vaccinations in our life times, otherwise we'd ALL be dead by now. You anti-vaxxers have a point about the rare blood clotting issue, but that doesn't allow you to stay stuck on stupid, like the anti-leadership (?) of Our Mad King Donald and his MAGAT wannabe army of true believers and science deniers. Stress R Us
Great post. I will never regret getting covid, unvaxxed and virtue played no role in that decision. I evaluated the risks and while it was certainly no walk in the park (for me at least- others have had nothing), I knew who to contact to get meds that actually work (FLCCC) so I did and I made a full recovery. I no longer care about variants because my immunity isn't based on short-lived antibodies. I've had a few sniffles since, but nothing of note. My decision was purely pragmatic. But here's the kicker: even if I had gotten the vax, I certainly wouldn't demand other people take it and I wouldn't feel virtuous about it. If virtue is factoring in to your decisions about your health, then something is very wrong.
Yes! Great post! From the very beginning I realized the only thing I could do for my community was to get the virus and get over it -- thus turning into the firebreak that they said the vax was.
It still took me 20 months and an infected vaccinated friend before I got it (and shook it off in 3 days, same as my vaxxed friend).
The data was always clear that I didn't need help beating the virus -- that's why they lied to us and told us that it was to protect others.
I think Joe Rogan went above and beyond. From what I can tell most people thought the tweet was real. That said, it was so easily believable because it is exactly what we are expecting around %70-%80 of the population to respond like. I don't know the exact number but I read somewhere that the (western) population is made up of 3 types of people; the compliant, the resistant and the go along to get along. The Federal government tells the compliant what to do, they attack/harass the resistant and they target the go along's to control their perception of reality.
1) Compliant: These people will comply with whatever government tells them to do. The majority of these people are form the Millennial and GenZ generations as they are the 1st generations to get the full indoctrination process K-12 and colleges. Prior to these generations there was still indoctrination but mainly in the universities. This is why so many GenXer's who are blue collar/trades people, those who didn't go to a university or went to a trade school/community colleges, are in the second group. Most college graduates from 2000 and on are in this group. They also are the ones who never knew what the world was like before the internet. The majority of what we call the woke are in the compliant group. Unfortunately the vast majority of women fall into this group too..
2) Resistant: These are the ones who won't simply do as told when there is some question about what they are being told to do. These are the ones who press those in charge for answers/data. They consist mainly of Genx & Boomers. The overwhelming majority of gun owners fall into this group. They are the ones the Federal government targets for harassment and intimidation. Most men are in this group.
3) Go-along-to-get-along: This is the group that go with the wind. Humans are social creatures and seek group acceptance. They will do whatever they perceive to be the majority view. If you can control what these people perceive you can effectively manipulate them like a puppet.
I once worked with a guy who said to never offer culpability for something. He was director of IT, I was a web developer and occasional IT helper if they needed extra help. He said to always say that something went wrong with the software or the hardware, to make up a technical excuse if need be, to never say it was my fault if a problem was actually my fault. I'm glad I don't work there anymore.
This is a common trait for executives in mid to large companies. Sadly most humans are bad at admitting fault. We believe that if we do that those around us will look down or se us as less because we faulted. I know this because I am the opposite. I work in IT and when I screw something up I admit it. I have found that this doesn't cause people to see you as less. I think it does the opposite. If people know you will admit fault when you are at fault they see you as more trust worthy.
Agreed. My manager's encouragement to lie just solidified my own focus on telling the truth and owning up if something happens; in the past twenty years companies & clients have respected my honestly and have seen it as a valuable trait.
ALWAYS respect the client for without them you'd have no job. The reputation you create with your clients just may be the most important thing you can ever do in your work life. I worked for the largest software vendor in a vertical market and left to be an independent contractor doing the same things I did before. It wasn't even 1 year before my current employer offered not only to hire me but to pay to relocate my family from 1 state to another. All because of how I treated them when I worked for the vendor. I respected them unlike my former employer. In fact I often am n LinkedIn helping others who use teh same software b/c I know that support from teh vendor can be half-arse.
Within the Mid to large sized corporate world there are 2 problem scenarios. The first is where all the executives are ivy school graduates with political connections and so they are in the position they are NOT because they earned it but because it was awarded to them. They also are often idjits (slang for the non-intelligent that must be used because of social media censorship)/.
The other is when a small business does so well so fast that it becomes a mid to large size company rapidly and so many of it's executives are where they are not because they can do the job but because they've been their from the start. It's the classic case of being promoted up and up until you reach a position you can't really handle but they leave you in it anyway instead of dripping you back down to a level you can handle.
Good luck Damien and ALWAYS be true to yourself!
At the start of the Covid insanity I had seen a Chinese doctor who was sending out notifications because he was very concerned about alerting the rest of the world. The CCP was suppressing the information. I think I saw two maybe three posts by this doctor. But when I went to check the third or fourth day he no longer was on the net. Instead there was a girl who was saying something slightly different. And then the next day there was a video of a guy saying word for word the exact same thing as the young woman the day before. Did anyone else see those first real video alerts that the original doctor was posting? Did anyone else see those? I am kicking myself for not downloading them?
The propaganda campaign around the fake vax is absolutely astonishing... and beyond obvious at this point. It is so bad I've started to wonder if the zealots still believing this "sAfe AnD EfFeCtiVE!" trash aren't actually under some kind of demonic possession or "Three-Body Problem"-style of "mental seal." The degree of their fanaticism despite the obvious lies on their side and the enormous damage it is doing to them as well is truly mind-boggling.
Of those who are still what I call the "true believers", those who still to this day, buy into the current narrative about covid, can be broken down into 3 groups.
One group truly believe in what they are saying. They genuinely believe in whatever the current narrative is about covid. They also tend to be the "compliant", those in society who will comply with whatever government tells them to do. They also are typically %100 pro vaccine no matter what the vaccine is. If you make a drug and lace the label vaccine on it then they believe it is an effective and safe medication because why would teh government disallow suing a vaccine manufacturer for harm or death from one of their vaccines?
The second are those who know it's BS but they promote it because it benefits them in some way or they are being coerced/blackmailed into promoting it. These tend to be the higher ups in the medical world and of course those within the pharmaceutical industry.
The last are those who deep down inside don't really believe it but they tell themselves they must. They do this because if they admit it was a lie it will mean they will have helped in promoting or even coercing a loved one or fried into getting the vaccine who then suffered from it or even died. If you are a mother and you got the jab for your child and then they died if you face reality and admit it was a lie, that means you killed your own child. I dent know many mothers with the strength to admit they harmed or even killed someone.
I call them "shot-committed".
Still spot on! Held over by popular demand!!!
Following "the science" seemingly would settle all arguments. Until you find out "the experts" are deciding what to tell us based on how they think we'll respond best. And changing stories as old lies are cast aside. This isn't science, which we all think is as subjective and accurate as mathematics, it's a psy-op and, at best, pseudo-science. But they'll drag any good name through miles of horseshit if they think it will yield some desired result.
Yep -good reminder here - Gotta stop repeating their control mantra of Follow the Science. Science is NOT monolithic; it's messy, contradictory & never settled so we follow the trail of evidence on a topic until we understand it better or can formulate an analysis. And then it's quite possible that old or new facts (evidence) will come to light changing the "science" again.
UK Comedian Alistair Williams > Bogus NWO plan > Podcast: " FOLLOW THE SCIENCE"
First published at 16:38 UTC on November 8th, 2021.
Alistair's stand-up routines re: idiot politicians & globalists & C19 are all hilariously on target.
Worth republishing esp as Trudeau and other authoritarians revisit their culpability, issuing themselves hall passes.
Hamlin took a shoulder blow to the precardium (chest over the heart) and this is known to sometimes stop the heart, like the rare kid hit there with a line drive in a baseball game. It's the well established risk of CTE that concerns this retired psychiatrist. BTW, we Americans receive (or "received" in the near past) 72 vaccinations in our life times, otherwise we'd ALL be dead by now. You anti-vaxxers have a point about the rare blood clotting issue, but that doesn't allow you to stay stuck on stupid, like the anti-leadership (?) of Our Mad King Donald and his MAGAT wannabe army of true believers and science deniers. Stress R Us
These news articles were ready "too quickly" as in they must already have been written generically.
Great post—but the “Natalia” tweet turned out to be fake.
Thank you! I will make a note of it in the article!
Now the subtitle is even more ironic :/
Great post. I will never regret getting covid, unvaxxed and virtue played no role in that decision. I evaluated the risks and while it was certainly no walk in the park (for me at least- others have had nothing), I knew who to contact to get meds that actually work (FLCCC) so I did and I made a full recovery. I no longer care about variants because my immunity isn't based on short-lived antibodies. I've had a few sniffles since, but nothing of note. My decision was purely pragmatic. But here's the kicker: even if I had gotten the vax, I certainly wouldn't demand other people take it and I wouldn't feel virtuous about it. If virtue is factoring in to your decisions about your health, then something is very wrong.
Yes! Great post! From the very beginning I realized the only thing I could do for my community was to get the virus and get over it -- thus turning into the firebreak that they said the vax was.
It still took me 20 months and an infected vaccinated friend before I got it (and shook it off in 3 days, same as my vaxxed friend).
The data was always clear that I didn't need help beating the virus -- that's why they lied to us and told us that it was to protect others.
Beautiful, sir.
Thank you!!
So well written. Thank you.
So well written. Thank you.
Glad you enjoyed it! Hope you stick around and become a part of the awesome community we have growing here! :)
Dr. Natalia obviously needs to go to proof-reading school.