Most of us have been forced to suffer through the Covid years, being on the receiving end of restrictions that didn’t even work to stop the virus. We were told we couldn’t visit our relatives in the hospitals or nursing homes. Our businesses were forcefully closed, our kids had to learn to learn from home, and we were required to take an experimental vaccine in order to keep our jobs. We were called selfish and banned from social media when we pointed out the truth about covid and the data surrounding it. And while most of us rightfully think of the covid years as the worst of our lives, there is a small subset of people who likely see the virus and our response as the best thing to happen to them.
Obviously the list starts with Big Pharma. Not so long ago, the industry was reviled by nearly everybody.
But with the power of ‘carefully placed’ regulators and (bought-off) government mandates, Big Pharma profits have exploded to the point where 3 out of 4 dollars spent on advertising are for pharmaceutical companies. A nifty little turnaround in less than three years! And now that the camel has his nose under the tent, you can be sure there will be more mRNA shots coming, with more mandates.
The list doesn’t stop at Big Pharma. Huge corporations such as Wal-Mart and Amazon benefitted TREMENDOUSLY as their competition was forcefully shut down. (Obviously you want people all jammed into one store instead of spread out into 10! Science!) “Public health” organizations were showered with money, as was the medical community. Testing companies (including ‘test and tracers’), mask companies, ‘vax passport’ companies……basically, anybody connected to government did extremely well, while those of us without a senator in our pocket are stuck paying the price via massive (and expected) inflation. Simply put, this was the largest transfer of wealth upward in the history of the world. (While the little people got a ‘sit down and shut up’ check as the elites robbed the treasury. Again.)
But as egregious as these examples of domestic profiteering are, they PALE in comparison to the world’s big covid winner — China.
In China, the factories stayed open while the ‘enlightened’ countries of the world took their economies offline. The obvious result of this was wealth flowing into China instead ‘normal’ routes.
At the onset of covid, China had a HUGE Hong Kong problem due to the proposal of an extradition bill between the two governments. Anti-China protests were going strong for months and showed no signs of stopping. But, just like here in the US and in Canada, covid gave the ‘authorities’ the perfect excuse to trample on the rights of citizens and forcefully break up protests. And, as expected, banning people for ‘covid misinformation’ has quickly turned into banning people for ‘Russian disinformation’.

Donald Trump was not a fan of the Chinese, and after Trump imposed tariffs on Chinese goods, I’m sure the feeling was mutual. Thanks to the pandemic, (and the mail-in ballot rule changes) Joe Biden found himself in the White House. This makes Chinese ‘investments’ in Hunter Biden worth quite a bit, instead of the waste of cash such ‘donations’ would have been if Trump had won.
Our massive covid money printing didn’t just drive up prices in America, it caused the rest of the world to wonder if the dollar should lose its status as the reserve currency of the world. If Saudi Arabia decides to accept Yuan for oil alongside US dollars, the Chinese currency instantly becomes an attractive option for foreign governments. And if you’re smart, you’re betting against the dollar.
It might be tempting to dismiss China’s incredible run as simply good fortune, but that would be a huge mistake. Remember extremely early in the pandemic, when covid was exclusively a Chinese problem? Remember all those videos showing people dropping dead in the streets? Here’s a quick reminder: (0:42 is my favorite. Covid kills him instantly and he turns into a zombie quickly enough to break his fall!)
Yet covid caused nothing like this anywhere in the world. The videos were completely fake, and a huge psyops campaign like that doesn’t happen on accident. The Chinese government faked the videos that kicked off the panic around the world. China falsely claimed that lockdowns stopped the virus cold, setting the way for bought governments around the world to mimic China’s response. China then rode the ensuing wave of chaos to the precipice of becoming the world’s largest superpower. And now they’re performing a follow-up act with lockdowns in Shanghai, no doubt hoping we will jump off that cliff again.
As far as I know, no government official has spoken about these faked videos and what they mean. Perhaps the Chinese have a incriminating paper trails leading to our ‘public servants’ like they do with Tony Fauci. I’m 100% positive the Chinese bribery trail runs in our government much, much further than the Biden family. It’s time that important people start asking important questions — is ANYBODY going to hold China accountable for their actions?
I'd add one more party to a possible part 2, Commander.
The progressive left, who "let no crisis go to waste" in causing an expansion of state surveillance, persecution, and criminalizing of behavior dwarfing 9/11.
I have yet to hear an explanation as to exactly how opposing covid policy is synonymous with racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, white nationalism, or a hundred other things, but nearly every politician has paired them at every turn in villainizing dissent.
Critics of educational neglect and abuse under the aegis of safety and diversity were branded domestic terrorists.
COVID was a raging hard-on for every progressive activist eager to wield state power against their opponents while bypassing democratic and due legal process.
They were big winners.
If there's one thing I could wish that the average American would learn it would be how to watch what the other hand is doing, especially when it comes to government, media and foreign affairs. If I could wish one more thing to pour into the skulls of the voluntarily ignorant in our society it would be "follow the money". If a majority of the public could just learn and understand those two things....