I want to comment on your Feb 15 post "Lying with Statistics.....Still".
From Pierre Kory's substack piece "Nursing Reports From The Front Lines Of The COVID Vaccine Crisis" dated Jun 13 - "Here is how I think they falsely suppressed the real rate of vaccinated patients entering U.S hospitals and dying:.." It was also posted by another source (sorry I don't recall, could be IM Doc from nakedcapitalism or The Ethical Skeptic) which explained further in detail the medical coding etc.
Health authorities clearly knew what was going on. They chose to deceive the public to push the (experimental) vaccines. This is unforgivable.
More from Pierre Kory's substack "Reports From the Front Lines of the Vaccine Catastrophe - Part 2" Jul 8 -
This last issue above (deeply explored in Part I) describes the inability of nurses to accurately document a patient as being vaccinated upon admission to the hospital.
This fraud has been crying out for an investigative reporter (out of the 10 left in the world) to look into who and how the Federal Health Agencies influenced the process for documenting vaccination status newly admitted hospital patients across the country. Electronic health record systems in major hospitals across the country followed the same (ridiculous) process: if you were vaccinated in a physicians office that was employed by that hospital, and the physician was connected to the same electronic health record, and the physician or nurse documented it in the electronic health record, you got recorded as “vaccinated”. However, if you had your vaccination anywhere else (most people), even if you had your vaccination card on you or could remember the date and location where you got the jab, you got documented as “unknown” on the main screen of the health record.
In those cases, the patient’s vaccination status gets placed in the “nursing notes” section where no-one looks for it. All of these patients documented as “unknown” were interpreted by all the health care providers as “unvaccinated.” In this way, the majority of doctors and nurses were led to believe that everyone in the hospital was unvaccinated. It also allowed our federal health agencies to create and disseminate charts and graphs showing the hospitals purportedly filling with unvaccinated people (I actually believe that even these data were further manipulated). The impact of this widespread fraud fueled the vast majority of doctors to hector anyone and everything to get vaccinated. Unclear how much blame to assign them on this as it took me a while to figure out why no patient in my ICU ever had a “vaccinated” status on the front screen of their record.
I wrote a long blurb about this, but now that I think back it might have been in the comments of another stack -- long story short, you're exactly correct. And because they don't adjust the denominator to correctly calculate the percentage of 'unvaccinated and unknown', they make it seem much more dangerous to be unvaxxed.
Here's some sample numbers so people can see what I mean. In our world, 90% of people are vaccinated but only 60% of people have 'confirmable vax':
Vaxxed in hospital: 90 (1 in 10k)
Unvaxxed in hospital: 10 (1 in 10k)
In reality, the numbers perfectly mirror the overall population. Now watch what happens when we can't confirm some jabs but don't account for that failure:
Vaxxed in hospital: 60 (.67 per 10k)
Unvaxxed in hospital: 40 (4 per 10k)
Just like that, we're showing a 6x 'improvement' for the vaccinated. Of course, this is simply datacrime, as you mentioned.
the funniest thing is that not one of the MSM or any compost paper will question this decision of the CDC
What are the masked and vaxxed supposed to think now? oh, silly question. Perhaps their minds are so numb bc orange man was mean and then someone else made every thing too confusing and horrible, and then billions of people elected basement boy for president
Regarding shut downs of internet sites, I dunno.
I am too busy watching Brooks Falls - Katmai National Park, Alaska 2022 powered by EXPLORE . org
while binding quilts.
The left is psychotic and they just want to bring everyone down. That is what angry people do.
The CDC story is the funniest and the most enraging. For the last two years you were censored if not exiled from Twitter and Facebook for mentioning either of those things, but now just because the CDC caught up with common sense, we're fine?
I've been thinking for a while about how a liberal starts to sound like a conservative, and this is part of it. In theory, as a liberal, I think the government is ideally the best suited for institutions like the CDC, one body we can trust to employ the best of the best and give us all advice. In practice, the CDC has for most of its existence been one of those funky little institutions that can't decide whether eggs are good for you or not (I know, different organization, but same principle). But lately it's been hijacked by one party and become a political machine that ruined lives during COVID and after. So that's how a liberal starts thinking at the very least, we need to remove any regulatory powers these entities have (the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, etc.) and make them advisory only, but even better is to strip them down to nothing, throw all the "health" agencies into something that can fit on a single floor in a single building in DC, and return them to ridiculous and toothless rather than ridiculous and destructive.
A group of fascists wants to impose its will on the country that is founded on Enlightenment principles, which are intolerable to fascist ideas. This group knows they cannot get people to vote for the American Nazi party. Therefore, they must hijack one of the major parties. But which one?
A). The party that believes that government is a force for good, and must use its power to assure a decent life for all citizens. This party firmly believes that government is a force for good. OR
B). The party that believes in limited government, and restricting government power as much as possible.
As a fascist looking for power, which party would you choose?
There were other sites down yesterday also, such as American Express. Oddly, on the day of The Pit in AZ presented by True The Vote on election integrity; where location and invitees were secret. It was streaming live on RSBN (accessible via web app, Roku app, Rumble) and right before the part where some truth about 2020 was to be imparted, they had to cut the feed. I think we're being hacked big-time.
Recently I traveled to a very blue town in a very blue state, and the "individual decisions" signs in public places were about as neutral as the "polls" my representative (D) emails about whether we support a piece of legislation. But still-- despite those bullying, passive-aggressive signs, most people in every establishment were unmasked (and everybody younger than Paul Pelosi). The CDC changing its guidelines had everything to do with us and nothing to do with science, even if they may coincidentally now be more scientific.
Oh the flak I drew for refusing to use Chromebooks instead of real books and pen&paper.
Cue me: "Chromebooks places student data in a cloud service. All student data is by law covered by confidentiality. Since we do not and can not know who has or may be given access to the information in the cloud, it would violate the confidentiality law if we placed student data there."
This landed me in hot water not because it was and still is true, or that the rektor found it embarassing (it's her job to know that stuff) - no, it was because I said it at a faculty meeting with parents' org reps present.
Not that it mattered in the long run. Schools, both priavet and public, simply ignores the law and are allowed to by politicians and prosecutors, since it's just so darned comfortable to hand everything over to the machines.
I pity the fool spying on me, really I do. Maybe I should remove the cover from the laptop's camera, give them a real horrorshow of burly man burlesque, see if Echelon station combusts...
It's funny too, since even with algos and spyware, actually spying on people eats up so many and much resources you wouldn't believe it.
Say you have ten employees, and you want them under surveillance during work hours. That means hiring 3-5 people to do make-believe work while spying, and the same amount to sift surveillance data. And that's with modern technology, you still have to use humans to understand what's being communicated.
I'm fondly imagining programs set up to flood the net with probably flagged buzzwords, re-registering new accounts all over the place at random and at a geometriacally increasing pace: an overload attack on the entire thing. How far off are von Neumann-style programs, really, do you think?
I embrace my presence on THE LISTS. If you're not on at least one of them by now, you're doing America wrong. As I talked in the control crisis article, though, this type of surveillance isn't cheap or easy. And ultimately it's worthless because I will advocate for legal and peaceful change up until the moment that 'the leaders' make that impossible. At that point, they'll have a lot more to worry about than me and my blog -- they'll be dealing with the torches and pitchforks of millions of fed-up Americans who just want to live in peace.
Been down that road. I am part of a group of workers who were all sent home for months over the vaccine mandates. Fortunately I was able to find another position, but almost all of the folks in our group are no longer employed.
It’s so wrong. And yet, a class action suit would be of such enormity it would go one for a decade.... it’s amazing how ultimately there is no recourse ...
School District of Philadelphia mandated masks for 1st 10 days K-12. Mandated pre-schoolers must wear masks ALL YEAR! Why do leftists hate children so much?
Don't forget about Kerry's and Romney's kids, too. What dumbasses keep electing these losers? (Pelosi doesn't surprise me, she's from Kalifornication from the BF region.)
I want to comment on your Feb 15 post "Lying with Statistics.....Still".
From Pierre Kory's substack piece "Nursing Reports From The Front Lines Of The COVID Vaccine Crisis" dated Jun 13 - "Here is how I think they falsely suppressed the real rate of vaccinated patients entering U.S hospitals and dying:.." It was also posted by another source (sorry I don't recall, could be IM Doc from nakedcapitalism or The Ethical Skeptic) which explained further in detail the medical coding etc.
Health authorities clearly knew what was going on. They chose to deceive the public to push the (experimental) vaccines. This is unforgivable.
More from Pierre Kory's substack "Reports From the Front Lines of the Vaccine Catastrophe - Part 2" Jul 8 -
This last issue above (deeply explored in Part I) describes the inability of nurses to accurately document a patient as being vaccinated upon admission to the hospital.
This fraud has been crying out for an investigative reporter (out of the 10 left in the world) to look into who and how the Federal Health Agencies influenced the process for documenting vaccination status newly admitted hospital patients across the country. Electronic health record systems in major hospitals across the country followed the same (ridiculous) process: if you were vaccinated in a physicians office that was employed by that hospital, and the physician was connected to the same electronic health record, and the physician or nurse documented it in the electronic health record, you got recorded as “vaccinated”. However, if you had your vaccination anywhere else (most people), even if you had your vaccination card on you or could remember the date and location where you got the jab, you got documented as “unknown” on the main screen of the health record.
In those cases, the patient’s vaccination status gets placed in the “nursing notes” section where no-one looks for it. All of these patients documented as “unknown” were interpreted by all the health care providers as “unvaccinated.” In this way, the majority of doctors and nurses were led to believe that everyone in the hospital was unvaccinated. It also allowed our federal health agencies to create and disseminate charts and graphs showing the hospitals purportedly filling with unvaccinated people (I actually believe that even these data were further manipulated). The impact of this widespread fraud fueled the vast majority of doctors to hector anyone and everything to get vaccinated. Unclear how much blame to assign them on this as it took me a while to figure out why no patient in my ICU ever had a “vaccinated” status on the front screen of their record.
I wrote a long blurb about this, but now that I think back it might have been in the comments of another stack -- long story short, you're exactly correct. And because they don't adjust the denominator to correctly calculate the percentage of 'unvaccinated and unknown', they make it seem much more dangerous to be unvaxxed.
Here's some sample numbers so people can see what I mean. In our world, 90% of people are vaccinated but only 60% of people have 'confirmable vax':
Vaxxed in hospital: 90 (1 in 10k)
Unvaxxed in hospital: 10 (1 in 10k)
In reality, the numbers perfectly mirror the overall population. Now watch what happens when we can't confirm some jabs but don't account for that failure:
Vaxxed in hospital: 60 (.67 per 10k)
Unvaxxed in hospital: 40 (4 per 10k)
Just like that, we're showing a 6x 'improvement' for the vaccinated. Of course, this is simply datacrime, as you mentioned.
I liked the part this week where the IRS wanted to hire people and give them guns.
And by liked I meant fuck that shit.
the funniest thing is that not one of the MSM or any compost paper will question this decision of the CDC
What are the masked and vaxxed supposed to think now? oh, silly question. Perhaps their minds are so numb bc orange man was mean and then someone else made every thing too confusing and horrible, and then billions of people elected basement boy for president
Regarding shut downs of internet sites, I dunno.
I am too busy watching Brooks Falls - Katmai National Park, Alaska 2022 powered by EXPLORE . org
while binding quilts.
The left is psychotic and they just want to bring everyone down. That is what angry people do.
The CDC story is the funniest and the most enraging. For the last two years you were censored if not exiled from Twitter and Facebook for mentioning either of those things, but now just because the CDC caught up with common sense, we're fine?
I've been thinking for a while about how a liberal starts to sound like a conservative, and this is part of it. In theory, as a liberal, I think the government is ideally the best suited for institutions like the CDC, one body we can trust to employ the best of the best and give us all advice. In practice, the CDC has for most of its existence been one of those funky little institutions that can't decide whether eggs are good for you or not (I know, different organization, but same principle). But lately it's been hijacked by one party and become a political machine that ruined lives during COVID and after. So that's how a liberal starts thinking at the very least, we need to remove any regulatory powers these entities have (the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, etc.) and make them advisory only, but even better is to strip them down to nothing, throw all the "health" agencies into something that can fit on a single floor in a single building in DC, and return them to ridiculous and toothless rather than ridiculous and destructive.
May I propose a thought experiment for liberals?
A group of fascists wants to impose its will on the country that is founded on Enlightenment principles, which are intolerable to fascist ideas. This group knows they cannot get people to vote for the American Nazi party. Therefore, they must hijack one of the major parties. But which one?
A). The party that believes that government is a force for good, and must use its power to assure a decent life for all citizens. This party firmly believes that government is a force for good. OR
B). The party that believes in limited government, and restricting government power as much as possible.
As a fascist looking for power, which party would you choose?
Liberals, please look around you.
There were other sites down yesterday also, such as American Express. Oddly, on the day of The Pit in AZ presented by True The Vote on election integrity; where location and invitees were secret. It was streaming live on RSBN (accessible via web app, Roku app, Rumble) and right before the part where some truth about 2020 was to be imparted, they had to cut the feed. I think we're being hacked big-time.
Recently I traveled to a very blue town in a very blue state, and the "individual decisions" signs in public places were about as neutral as the "polls" my representative (D) emails about whether we support a piece of legislation. But still-- despite those bullying, passive-aggressive signs, most people in every establishment were unmasked (and everybody younger than Paul Pelosi). The CDC changing its guidelines had everything to do with us and nothing to do with science, even if they may coincidentally now be more scientific.
Just going to shamelessly spruik my new album “Covidians”. Listen to and purchase here if you so desire. https://jacemaxwell.bandcamp.com/album/covidians
Oh that felt dirty ...
Oh the flak I drew for refusing to use Chromebooks instead of real books and pen&paper.
Cue me: "Chromebooks places student data in a cloud service. All student data is by law covered by confidentiality. Since we do not and can not know who has or may be given access to the information in the cloud, it would violate the confidentiality law if we placed student data there."
This landed me in hot water not because it was and still is true, or that the rektor found it embarassing (it's her job to know that stuff) - no, it was because I said it at a faculty meeting with parents' org reps present.
Not that it mattered in the long run. Schools, both priavet and public, simply ignores the law and are allowed to by politicians and prosecutors, since it's just so darned comfortable to hand everything over to the machines.
That dog in the car picture made me laugh so hard?!?! heh heh....
Me too! I have to have humor in my life to make the rest bearable.
The dog's face when you drive by the dog park.........
Thus all is OT I believe.. So..
Bitchute has feisty videos, with Anger I like. But I can't copy and paste to substack? Why? I can paste softer YouTube videos to substack.
Btw, you guys are great.
fjb.....>fjB....>fJB....>FJB.................larger font please!
Huh, didn't know Substack was down yesterday. Maybe to install the new spyware?
All the regulars on these stacks are already being "spied" on.
It's a foregone conclusion. And I don't care.
I pity the fool spying on me, really I do. Maybe I should remove the cover from the laptop's camera, give them a real horrorshow of burly man burlesque, see if Echelon station combusts...
It's funny too, since even with algos and spyware, actually spying on people eats up so many and much resources you wouldn't believe it.
Say you have ten employees, and you want them under surveillance during work hours. That means hiring 3-5 people to do make-believe work while spying, and the same amount to sift surveillance data. And that's with modern technology, you still have to use humans to understand what's being communicated.
I'm fondly imagining programs set up to flood the net with probably flagged buzzwords, re-registering new accounts all over the place at random and at a geometriacally increasing pace: an overload attack on the entire thing. How far off are von Neumann-style programs, really, do you think?
I used to flash my presumed NSA handlers through the webcam at a certain time, then mix it up after a few weeks.
I've trash talked them..
My comment on AG was really in hopes HE would read it.
Piss on traitor FBI isn't really for you guys , first. It's first for spies. Of course, to you all next.
I started because you were hilarious, then saw smarts... Often go together
I embrace my presence on THE LISTS. If you're not on at least one of them by now, you're doing America wrong. As I talked in the control crisis article, though, this type of surveillance isn't cheap or easy. And ultimately it's worthless because I will advocate for legal and peaceful change up until the moment that 'the leaders' make that impossible. At that point, they'll have a lot more to worry about than me and my blog -- they'll be dealing with the torches and pitchforks of millions of fed-up Americans who just want to live in peace.
Thanks for reminding me, I've gotta go to the farm store to pick up a pitchfork....and maybe a torch or two. 😉😊😋
Yes... Piss on AG, traitor. Piss on those b that put anti covid and school board critics on Domestic Terrorism lists...
And really piss on those that remained silent.
If we lose, ill be smiling from heaven or hell that They are slaves because of their cowardice/urging it on
We are on the same page. I embrace it as well.
Thx SimComm!
Last week the CDC changed their mind and Thursday my employer announced we are all going back into masks.
Just say NO. They don’t work. Period.
Been down that road. I am part of a group of workers who were all sent home for months over the vaccine mandates. Fortunately I was able to find another position, but almost all of the folks in our group are no longer employed.
It’s so wrong. And yet, a class action suit would be of such enormity it would go one for a decade.... it’s amazing how ultimately there is no recourse ...
Lets just say that several legal avenues are being pursued. And I do think the recent win by Liberty Council marks a shift in the wind.
I hate the FDA. Their EUA of this vaccine is criminal.... there may be an entire generation of females/males plagued with infertility issues....
That might have been the goal.
The science changes so fast these days!
School District of Philadelphia mandated masks for 1st 10 days K-12. Mandated pre-schoolers must wear masks ALL YEAR! Why do leftists hate children so much?
They have to indoctrinate them.
In Paris, after Normandy... Communists and French both wanted Paris.
One communist leader said Paris is worth (I'm not sure, but I think I remember 500k) dead.
Commies don't care about people...
That makes absolutely ZERO sense. 3 and 4 year olds wearing masks..... #childabuse
I am just so mad for the kids. PRESCHOOLERS?!!!
They will clearly wear masks in accordance with governmental guidelines.
........because kids don't come pre-programmed.
Makes me so sick!
Don't forget about Kerry's and Romney's kids, too. What dumbasses keep electing these losers? (Pelosi doesn't surprise me, she's from Kalifornication from the BF region.)
What black hat attacks Substack and ruins Conservatives' day? The DEMONIC NEFARIOUS CAUCUS. Grrr...
Apple also spying on iCloud photos. Creeps everywhere!
And I love how casually they just mention it.
"Oh, yes, we get notifications of child porn right to our email!"