For months now, ‘seasonality theorists’ have been warning that the covid winter wave would crash over the country no matter what rules localities had in place or what percentage of their citizens were vaccinated.
The most visible example of this being the reality of the situation comes to us from the major sports leagues across the world. First up, the NFL moved three games to later this week. Instead of playing Saturday/Sunday, the games will be Monday/Tuesday. That’s sort of interesting in itself, really. If the virus is actually causing the problems, why on earth would the teams be able to play only two days after they were scheduled and canceled? Wouldn’t everybody still be too sick to play? This is more evidence that the chaos is being caused by covid rules, not covid itself.
The NHL has shut down multiple teams through the holiday break, with Calgary canceled until Dec. 27. Across the Atlantic, the Premier League was down to ONE game for a normally busy Saturday before Christmas.
So this weekend, millions of fans of various sports will all be asking themselves the same question. If the vaccines work, what’s going on? You won’t find a more vaccinated population than professional athletes, yet the virus continues to ‘ravage’ them.
Remember what they told us earlier this year: Vaccination was the key to ending the pandemic.
The reality of the situation is crashing down all around the ‘experts’, who are increasingly being exposed as simply mouthpieces for a pharmaceutical industry that is making money hand-over-fist.
PS - The Bat Cat knocked this article about the lifting of the stay on the OSHA mandate. This is one of the times I simply hand over the mic — enjoy.
I don't get why there's still this continual focus on number of cases. Why not number of deaths, especially when there's been only 1 death from someone "with Covid," not a death even "from Covid." All so tiresome and obviously a way to keep authoritarian power close at hand.
There's a hope that if this flurry of cases in the NFL, NHL, and NBA lead to not a single really serious illness, that will edge some people out of their fear.