First, the bad news. Since I didn’t do much in the way of researching this week, I don’t have much in the way of feel-good stories this Monday.
The good news is, that leaves time for Bonnie updates and funny gifs from CatGPT!
I hadn’t seen Bonnie for a couple days, and after seeing she wasn’t in the Jeep this morning I gave out a little “meow” to see if she was in hearing distance. Immediately I hear an answering “meow” from a little ways down the alley, and she came running! We hung out for a good 10 minutes (mostly lap time) before she decided food > people.
This evening she was hanging out under the Jeep and came out running when I got close! More lap time. I think she’s spoiled.
CatGPT, how do you feel when you think about Joe Biden being president?
CatGPT, give me your impression of Joe Biden cleaning a fish tank:
Don’t haz a sad, I’z here!
Until next time, be kind to one another out there!
Suddenly an onion appeared in the crying video. I can't even guess at how many times my kitties have done the very same thing. All of them, even back to my Siamese cat when I was a small child. They always know. When I've been sick and stayed home from work or school = same thing! I'm glad G is better and Bonnie is back. Beeeeg hugs to G and Bonnie!
Can you tell that I'm a cat person?
Thanks, your Monday missives are always welcome.