You know, I like their willingness to throw every other vaccine under the bus in order to preserve the narrative about covid vaccines. No vaccine is 100% effective. Breakthrough cases occur with every vaccine. All I can say is, don't blame the anti-vaxxers when people begin declining the measles or diptheria vaccines (efficacy: 97%). We're not the ones working overtime to convince them this is the same as all other vaccines, really, just the same, it's just that we misrepresented the way vaccines work in the past to make people overconfident about their efficacy!

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"Breakthrough cases occur with every vaccine."

Even *that* is evidence of the CDC's dishonesty. Until *this* so-called vaxx came along, breakthrough cases were called "vaccine failure".

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On a positive note… well two cheers. Today, for the first time in what seems like forever, I heard a News bulletin that did not mention the word ‘Covid’ or any of the usual hyperbole about ‘cases’, etc. They did however manage to squeeze in a climate change related report about a train company launching first train service using batteries and diesel to ‘reduce carbon emissions’. More of The Science™️ on display - carbon is a sold byproduct if combustion = soot. Carbon dioxide is a gaseous byproduct of combustion. The two are not the same. These fools can’t even talk in whole molecules.

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“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

The overall definition of vaccine and vaccination must contain the word immunity otherwise it is not a vaccine nor vaccination. Many things can stimulate a immune response - peanuts, pollen for example in some individuals… are they vaccines?

Antibiotics are defined as having properties to inhibit growth or destroy bacteria, but not all antibiotics are 100% effective, so should they be defined as stuff that interacts with bacteria?

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"continue to be safe and effective" until they don't continue

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Transparently full of s***.

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Call it what you will but the mRNA shots suck. They are the unicycles of bicycles. Seat, pedals, wheel(s). Check ✅

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You know, (when all this is said and done. And I hope one day soon it will be, truly ONLY by the grace of God), but when that happens, one of the groups I would like to take and flog for their role in this are the “fact checkers”. They are fake to begin with, have been proven to have either ZERO scientific credentials or, at best, a BA or BS, whereas our guys have MDs and phds. Now I’ll admit they have some big names. Those also, like Hotez are also at top of my list of perpetrators.

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There are no facts in science, only theories supported by evidence from experiment or experience, which stand until they are displaced by another theory. Einstein said a thousand experiments do not prove a theory, but it takes only one to disprove it.

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Yeah. I am my only fact checker (otherwise known as individual judger of all I sense and ponder). Any others are posers and purveyors of censorship.

My own "Plato's cave" doesn't need any more walls than it already has!

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Oh, and somewhat on topic, check out the excellent Roger Kimball's latest (no. 1 "most read" in the last 24 hours on RealClearPolitics):


Love that byline: the elites are slowly, grudgingly, coming to realize anew that they are followers of the wise People, and all is coming back to the way it should have been all along.

(I also love your substack, M. Sim; I hope you don't mind this "hi-jacking," and feel free to delete this post at your discretion!)

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I would only delete posts as a complete last resort to deal with spam or pure hateful bile.

Way back in April 2020, I stayed focused on one point: Lockdowns aren't the difference between overrun hospitals and a manageable hospital situation, therefore because of their extremely high cost they should not be an option. Literally every piece of data we have gotten since then has confirmed the theory. Reality has to matter. It's disgusting that this is only 'getting through' because their is a political price being paid for these stances now. Or maybe that's the secret to maintaining the Republic....throwing the bums out now and again.

Knowing what I know now, I would have also added the masking mandates as well. What's going on in schools right now is disgusting. And even after a bunch of states are lifting their mandates for adults, the kids will still be wearing them at school. Gross.

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I got in a bit of a discussion (with some people waiting to die of the vid) about adding the SARS-Cov-19 vaccine to the list of required to attend elementary school. What seemed to get a couple of them thinking (S. Marin Co., CA, so you can imagine how out-numbered I was!) was to simply point out that all those other vaccines/innoculations were for ACTUAL childhood diseases.

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Well Commander, my sorta briefed-in buds -Clif High ain’t one of them - and I have been chawing the fat about what’s on the horizon. We all agree that some dark days are in store probably in late fall, well after the current covid relaxation reset IF measures aren’t soon taken to bring some players to justice. Nobody thinks this is anywhere close to being over.

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Making the 2022 election THE MOST IMPORANT IN OUR LIFETIME.

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In the interest of transparent clarity,

vaccine /vak-'sen (that's a "long" e; I don't know how to type the bar on it)/ noun [L vaccinus: of or from cows, fr. vacca: cow; akin to Sanskrit vasa: cow] 1 : matter or a preparation containing the virus of cowpox in a form used for vaccination 2 : a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase IMMUNITY to a particular disease. ["IMMUNITY" caps mine]

Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (A Merriam-Webster), copyright 1981 (yes, MY college dictionary, still on my desk, thank you book tape!)

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But these days we have vax-sins… imposters.

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Yes they're trying to rephrase it as "well, no vaccine is ever 100%", but we're obviously not talking about a situation in which most people get immunity but a few don't (like smallpox). This is something that barely puts a bump in transmission, AT BEST. As Alex said long ago, it's a therapeutic.

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Yep, a therapeutic, and not even a prophylactic, although I hear it keeps the elderly kicking and off the respirator (a near death sentence if there ever was one), at least until the next influenza season when its back to day-to-day for them, bless their beating hearts. And I mean that: I love my generation, and I still want us to live forever.

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Archive.web eat your heart out, the man has a real live dictionary. My comment is not sarc! I’m actually impressed. Do I even remember how to look up words on a page? Ps am I the only person 50 and above who’s held a real live book in her hands and “pressed” on the page trying to bring up a link. Ok ok you can laugh. I was real tired!!!!

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(Thank you, M. Laura j.)

"...real live dictionary" : Upon opening this page or that, I sometimes see one of those tiny little bugs scurrying for cover. They must eat paper. I should find out what they are and look them up.

"..."pressed" on the page..." : I was reading a real book the other day (Blue Train by Agatha Christie) and my right hand kept reaching for the mouse to scroll down. I suppose I was engrossed.

But have no doubt: technology is saving us by making it easier to find the real, to research, to communicate (even if only to commiserate!), and especially to "bypass the filters." (Thanks again Substack, and whatever pops up after Substack. And thanks again, M. Sim. I could not do what you do.)

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Would the Keepers Of Official English (I love them, too, and sorry I don't know their official title) kindly get back to me if my '81 has been up-dated?

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Thank all the gods for independent media. Bless your excellent face

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Phact Checkers = Phony Fact Checkers

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Psfact Checkers :p

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Psaki checkers.

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They’ve finally blinded themselves with their own gaslighting, and now are fumbling and stumbling into the walls.

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A few. But their handlers are not. Don’t get cocky. We have a bigger evil in the hands holding the puppet strings.

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The Ministry of Truth must have one hell of an overtime budget.

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Spending my taxes ?

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What would you like to see your taxes going towards? Genuinely asking.

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That “safe and effective” bit at the end never raises any red flags for me.

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The question always to ask is, compared to what? Their pseudo-vaccines are not safe compared to not having them, and about 0.08% effective compared to not having them, reducing mortality risk from the virus from not very much to not a lot, but increasing risk from the pseudo-vaccine by an unknown amount. The risk from the pseudo-vaccine compared to the risk of the virus is very close - at the least.

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The zombie chant “

Safe and effective”

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Don’t forget - Less Serious!

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Pfizer has it in their contract. If any agency doesn't mention safe and effective in spoken or written correspondence, we have to buy another billion doses.

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Sounds like the perfect poison pill, except I suspect the bottom's dropping out of that market within a season or two. (Harbinger: Johnson and Johnson.)

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😂we’re going to have to start vaccinating our plants or tossin this shit behind dumpsters!?!

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No. I’d like to take the vial lots given to the common man and take them to the politicians.

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At least all the comments are the peasants blowing up the "fact-checkers".

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Awesome. Power to the people!

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You might want to rethink that “awesome” people when you see my comment about the dictionary🤓

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Back in the day (and this is now all relative, the ‘before times’ in Mad Max speak was pre 2020) I had a general sense of sceptical acceptance of authority. That scepticism has morphed in two short years to an appreciation of the concept of anarchy.

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Have you read Michael Malice? (I think he streeeetches the definition of Anarchy, which can only exist until I start making friends.)

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I have a couple of his audiobooks but haven’t had a chance to listen to them yet. I’ve watched several interviews/conversations/lectures with and by him, though, and have found him sensible, humorous, and good-natured.

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Me, too.

But we will still have to take turns keeping watch around the night fire. That's not Anarchy, that's Capitalism (just to the LEFT of Anarchy on the political axis).

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You might like Nevermore Media, then:


I’m friends with the founder and am one of their contributors. I don’t consider myself an anarchist but maybe anarchist-adjacent ;-)

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Anarchy-adjacent is just another word for Capitalism, properly defined. (Or Classical Liberalism. The C-word seems have been redefined over the decades while I wasn't paying attention.)

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Thank you MAA, that’s some good reading.

Agree re anarchism, but my appreciation of its virtue is being driven by the authoritarianism in the alternatives. Western democracy is proving itself to be a sham.

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But not Western Civilization, which is what is ultimately under attack from the left side of the political spectrum (with its left endpoint, that two-sided coin, Fascism/Communism).

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