For far too long now, idiots like me have been pointing out the consequences of terrible policies handed down from the federal government. For almost as long, Biden and his Clown Car Posse have been claiming nobody could have seen these consequences coming. We can just shut down the economy, print tons of money, and severely hamper our domestic energy production and everything just keeps going as normal, right? Right?
It’s almost like some people were able to predict the future, as if there’s some sort of cause-and-effect at play here! We should take a vote about forming a board to appoint a commission to look into the feasibility of creating a team to look into this!
To be fair, perhaps anybody could have seen this coming, so let’s see what the government experts had to say just last winter:
How did that prediction work out, again?
Clearly these people should be in charge of climate modeling and given control over every aspect of our lives.
Or maybe we should listen to the people who keep being correct instead of the people who simp for the Swamp?
In October 2021 I uploaded a video titled, "Inflation and Food Shortages and Energy Crisis, OH MY!" In it I compared the current regime to five-year-olds on meth, because of the way they do random stupid things, get everything so horribly wrong, and are then repeatedly surprised by their failures. Simple cause and effect should be simple enough to understand, even for those of us without advanced degrees, but it appears to be beyond the comprehension of these idiots who are supposedly in charge of the country. Eight months later, my predictions from that video are far more accurate than anything the "experts" in D.C. are saying.
Is there a form we can fill out to transfer to a different simulation? As you note, we know where this one is headed.