Even before he got into office, Joe Biden was promising to hamper domestic energy production and instead focus on the ‘existential threat’ of climate change:
He is in "good" company: what remains of swedish nuclear power annually dumps the equivalent of 88 TWh of (very, very) hot water from the cooling systems, instead of using it to for heating of residences. There's nothing wrong with the water, it's no more radioactive than seawater normally is, it contains no more pollutants (in fact, it contains less than nornal drinking water to protect the cooling systems) and is perfectly safe.
Yet, to appease the hysterical Greens and the communist party and various other mentally substandard humans, it is simply dumped. 88 TWh might not be that much in a US perspective, but for a nation of 11 000 000 million where hydro-electric dams produce less than that, it's a lot to waste just to keep the neurotics happy.
I'd say as an outside observer seeing the US follow the same pattern as western EUrope (or leading, it's a chicken or egg-problem anyway) you need to get rid of any and all politicians such as Biden, because whatever they say or do, it is not in your best interest as a nation or a people/bunch of peoples. And to stand against the political-corporate machine, you need to stand united as a people, united in opposing their tyranny whatever labels they trie to hide it behind because all those labels (gay, white, black, latinx, differently abled and so on) are designed only to cause dissent and strife and make oppositon impossible. Divide; et impera.
Our enemies are very honest. If they say they are going to do something, they do it. None of this should come as a shock to anyone.
If they say that meat will be a rare treat, we should believe them. If they say that we will own nothing, we should believe them. If they talk about how most of us will become part of the economically “useless class”, we should believe them.
They are plainly telling us their next steps. If we don’t prepare, then it’s our fault.
Very true. It's one of the best ways to make us comply: state it as matter-of-fact in passivum, so that it comes across as a natural progression of events. That way, there are no agents to blame and attacking the messenger is generally frowned upon plus it reinforces the message since the attack repeats it.
And the more times we are exposed to a piece of information, the more likely w start to accpet it, then believe it and lastly defend it without cognitive thought. What -ism, creed or other matters not - the brains is what it is and works the way it does, but letting ourselvs believe that various methods and techniques are dependent on what -ism et al is using it, lowers our awareness of the trick itself.
It’s an ‘oil’ refinery Joe, to increase output it needs increased input and you have reduced its input.
Refineries reduced output pre-Brandon because of reduced demand due to the CoVid idiocy, but cannot increase supply now because there is a Joe Biden caused oil supply shortage.
The same Joe Biden stopped imports of 600 barrels a day of petroleum - gasoline, kerosene - from Russia. Those imports had increased over the last few years, so clearly US demand was outstretching US supply. Do you think that caused a shortage and drive up costs to consumers.
And as far a Putin making life difficult for US consumers, Joe has been trying to do that for Russian consumers… so tit-for-tat rules apply.
Brandon and his clown car of frauds are so ridiculous, that pretty soon they are going to blame Putin for the US Afghanistan withdrawal strategy and the 2000 mules ballot-stuffing for the Dems.
So, reporting in from Western Colorado… we were in Sam’s Club today and witnessed a family have a full blown melt down over what they could and could not afford to buy… with a 10 and maybe 12\14 year old watching their parents screaming at each other…people are at their wits end and Biden screams into the mic “ I’m tired of people complaining”…. Now if the Republicans had an ounce of foresight or common sense, they would start messaging what SPECIFICALLY they will do to address these for the most part unnecessary economic conditions… but they won’t. They’ll bask in their victory and promptly take care of all their donors demands….and ignore the voters.
The best thing about seeing politicians, and people in general, act during crises, is how clearly and obviously fools and partisan ideologues out themselves. Pandemics, economic issues, social strife all have value if we can all agree that any given politician is a liar and idiot. And when their dedicated acolytes line up behind their chosen one, we can say the same about them.
I always thought that it was insane when the left would shriek about how we wanted to destroy the country because we wouldn't support........Hillary Clinton?
It may well be the case that there is no one person or entity in charge of the Biden junta. Biden is a figurehead for the oligarchy - and while the oligarchy is to some extent united by class interest, there are too many ambitious people involved for it to speak with a unified voice. Maybe.
Caitlin Johnstone contends that by repeating "Putin's price hike" over and over, they are attempting to create an illusory truth effect, which is a phenomenon by which people are more likely to belive something is true after hearing it said many times, even if they formerly knew it to be false. Shield yourselves from legacy media, friends. It rots your brain.
😱 $2500?! Fucking Hell!! Sorry. That sucks. Yeah, stuff has gotten really expensive. We've been really grateful we've done okay, but I know a lot of people haven't. And it angers me because it was entirely preventable.
All of it is gratuitous at this point. It's like shoving our noses in THEIR puke.
The $2,500 was a fair price. The tires you can get today are based on rubber prices 6 months ago - which skyrocketed 80% in just a few months late last year.
Except it's being laughed at by the majority, so far. People I suspect feel sorry for Mr Biden. They are not likely to believe much of what he says. And all in his administration are so tragically incompetent few accept they really have a handle on their areas. Each time they are speaking it gets a bit worse.
(Except 1) thank you, M. Sim, and 2) please consider adding an "uber-sub" level, and 3) may I be the first?, and 4) Hey, look at me, adding my edits before hitting send!!!)
I think there is some sort of founder deal where you can pay $40/year instead of $30/year? I think gift subs are probably better, but I'm not your mother. 😂
Edit: As for benefits, you get that cool little badge on your avatar that Ungovernable has.
Wait! I think I got in at $20. I don't want to be a free-loader, now! And I probably should pay a hefty fee for my, ahem, free speech excercising! I'll figure out a way to settle up, don't worry.
(Psss....I'm really an A's fan, but, yeah...the Gi's are my safe space (especially with the woke Kapler, keep that down too, will ya?), so you got me there.)
I hear you. Kansas City hasn't been the same since 1967. (I apologize, that's gotta hurt.)
The man is a fool surrounded by clowns. So long as no one tells him the implications of his choices, he will continue to make bad ones. A fundamental lesson I learned as a top-tier global management consultant was that explaining the implications of a client's choice was a fundamental duty, no matter how much it might harm the consulting firm. The real President, evidently a melange of Nancy Pelosi and
Ron Klain, cannot see beyond the imperative of elect more Democrats.
Both appear to prefer to reign in hell than to serve in Heaven. When Satan tells this to Beelzebub, even Satan doesn't believe it, but knows Beelzebub must act as though he does, because he is an inferior angel.
I'll say it again, "that darn rascally Putin!" (sarcasm). With as many years as the psychos have been blaming Putin for everything wrong in America (at least the things they don't approve of) it almost looks like they've been planning to blame Russia all along for what they *knew* was coming. The great news? I don't know anyone who's buying it this time.
"I'll say it again, "that darn rascally Putin!" (sarcasm)."
1) "(sarcasm)" not necessary.
2) re "(sarcasm)": not really!!
Edit: Wait, wait, I want to be clear: I totally agree with you. The only questions remaining is are the Democrats (puppeteering Biden, of course) and Putin in league (direct communication), or just usefully using each other, and when did THAT start?
I don't think many Americans believe anything he says. They are out there lying with such conviction that the vast majority of Americans think everything the say is a lie. I can't tell if they are that arrogant, or just using really bad strategy, but it's patently obvious that it's their fault.
SimComm have you ever thought of doing a post on the effects c19 policies, etc., have had on sbo's?
I don't think a lot of people on these stacks' understand the implications because it appears very few have owned a business.
The whole redistribution of wealth concept, etc could be made interesting for the average folks
He is in "good" company: what remains of swedish nuclear power annually dumps the equivalent of 88 TWh of (very, very) hot water from the cooling systems, instead of using it to for heating of residences. There's nothing wrong with the water, it's no more radioactive than seawater normally is, it contains no more pollutants (in fact, it contains less than nornal drinking water to protect the cooling systems) and is perfectly safe.
Yet, to appease the hysterical Greens and the communist party and various other mentally substandard humans, it is simply dumped. 88 TWh might not be that much in a US perspective, but for a nation of 11 000 000 million where hydro-electric dams produce less than that, it's a lot to waste just to keep the neurotics happy.
I'd say as an outside observer seeing the US follow the same pattern as western EUrope (or leading, it's a chicken or egg-problem anyway) you need to get rid of any and all politicians such as Biden, because whatever they say or do, it is not in your best interest as a nation or a people/bunch of peoples. And to stand against the political-corporate machine, you need to stand united as a people, united in opposing their tyranny whatever labels they trie to hide it behind because all those labels (gay, white, black, latinx, differently abled and so on) are designed only to cause dissent and strife and make oppositon impossible. Divide; et impera.
Our enemies are very honest. If they say they are going to do something, they do it. None of this should come as a shock to anyone.
If they say that meat will be a rare treat, we should believe them. If they say that we will own nothing, we should believe them. If they talk about how most of us will become part of the economically “useless class”, we should believe them.
They are plainly telling us their next steps. If we don’t prepare, then it’s our fault.
Very true. It's one of the best ways to make us comply: state it as matter-of-fact in passivum, so that it comes across as a natural progression of events. That way, there are no agents to blame and attacking the messenger is generally frowned upon plus it reinforces the message since the attack repeats it.
And the more times we are exposed to a piece of information, the more likely w start to accpet it, then believe it and lastly defend it without cognitive thought. What -ism, creed or other matters not - the brains is what it is and works the way it does, but letting ourselvs believe that various methods and techniques are dependent on what -ism et al is using it, lowers our awareness of the trick itself.
Have you guys had a chance to read The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet yet?
I just finished. Highly recommended
The man is an absolute muppet.
It’s an ‘oil’ refinery Joe, to increase output it needs increased input and you have reduced its input.
Refineries reduced output pre-Brandon because of reduced demand due to the CoVid idiocy, but cannot increase supply now because there is a Joe Biden caused oil supply shortage.
The same Joe Biden stopped imports of 600 barrels a day of petroleum - gasoline, kerosene - from Russia. Those imports had increased over the last few years, so clearly US demand was outstretching US supply. Do you think that caused a shortage and drive up costs to consumers.
And as far a Putin making life difficult for US consumers, Joe has been trying to do that for Russian consumers… so tit-for-tat rules apply.
Brandon and his clown car of frauds are so ridiculous, that pretty soon they are going to blame Putin for the US Afghanistan withdrawal strategy and the 2000 mules ballot-stuffing for the Dems.
I have to remind myself it's wrong to hate after reading a post like this. So I laugh. Then I'm mad at myself for laughing....cuz it's real.
The English language needs a new word that combines rage and hilarity....in a nice way.
So, reporting in from Western Colorado… we were in Sam’s Club today and witnessed a family have a full blown melt down over what they could and could not afford to buy… with a 10 and maybe 12\14 year old watching their parents screaming at each other…people are at their wits end and Biden screams into the mic “ I’m tired of people complaining”…. Now if the Republicans had an ounce of foresight or common sense, they would start messaging what SPECIFICALLY they will do to address these for the most part unnecessary economic conditions… but they won’t. They’ll bask in their victory and promptly take care of all their donors demands….and ignore the voters.
The best thing about seeing politicians, and people in general, act during crises, is how clearly and obviously fools and partisan ideologues out themselves. Pandemics, economic issues, social strife all have value if we can all agree that any given politician is a liar and idiot. And when their dedicated acolytes line up behind their chosen one, we can say the same about them.
I always thought that it was insane when the left would shriek about how we wanted to destroy the country because we wouldn't support........Hillary Clinton?
Cause and effect. Who knew
This Bozo believes he's the King. Heaven help us all. Bidet is the biggest threat overall.
It may well be the case that there is no one person or entity in charge of the Biden junta. Biden is a figurehead for the oligarchy - and while the oligarchy is to some extent united by class interest, there are too many ambitious people involved for it to speak with a unified voice. Maybe.
Perfectly said (especially "junta," and "class interest").
We can only hope their unity is fracturing. The peanut gallery MSM seem to be also, or at least hedging their bets.
I'm of the mind that it's the old Obama gang, now with more neocons!
Exactly and Chris Coone's and Lindsey Graham better keep their mouths shut, or they'll drag us into war, with or without, Uncle Joe's "permission".
Few things are more foolish than a war with no plausible "win" condition.
Caitlin Johnstone contends that by repeating "Putin's price hike" over and over, they are attempting to create an illusory truth effect, which is a phenomenon by which people are more likely to belive something is true after hearing it said many times, even if they formerly knew it to be false. Shield yourselves from legacy media, friends. It rots your brain.
It's really sickening. It can give you a tick if you stare at "it' too long.
Speaking of staring. My wife had a flat tire. I took it for repair. Decided to get all new ones. $2,500!...for a forerunner!
Think what is happening to the average family. Median income is $47k
We are months away from decent hard working people being put out on the streets, at no fault of their own.
How long can this go on?...
😱 $2500?! Fucking Hell!! Sorry. That sucks. Yeah, stuff has gotten really expensive. We've been really grateful we've done okay, but I know a lot of people haven't. And it angers me because it was entirely preventable.
All of it is gratuitous at this point. It's like shoving our noses in THEIR puke.
The $2,500 was a fair price. The tires you can get today are based on rubber prices 6 months ago - which skyrocketed 80% in just a few months late last year.
Sure, but it still sucks.
And no end in sight to their war-of-attrition excuse now. Can you just see them rubbing their hands (the Dems-in-charge AND Mr. Putin).
I have no doubt this is what they are doing, just like The Big Lie and "Putin's Puppet" before that.
Except it's being laughed at by the majority, so far. People I suspect feel sorry for Mr Biden. They are not likely to believe much of what he says. And all in his administration are so tragically incompetent few accept they really have a handle on their areas. Each time they are speaking it gets a bit worse.
I have nothing to add.
(Except 1) thank you, M. Sim, and 2) please consider adding an "uber-sub" level, and 3) may I be the first?, and 4) Hey, look at me, adding my edits before hitting send!!!)
I think there is some sort of founder deal where you can pay $40/year instead of $30/year? I think gift subs are probably better, but I'm not your mother. 😂
Edit: As for benefits, you get that cool little badge on your avatar that Ungovernable has.
Wait! I think I got in at $20. I don't want to be a free-loader, now! And I probably should pay a hefty fee for my, ahem, free speech excercising! I'll figure out a way to settle up, don't worry.
Wow! Where have I been? (In need of mothering, obviously!)
Post post: Sorry your Royals met my Giants at "resurgence" time.
Post post edit: Especially since the Royals just went ahead!
Can we ban all references to the Royals on this stack? It's painful and I don't have a safe space.
Good. Keep laughing and don't read the next post.
(Psss....I'm really an A's fan, but, yeah...the Gi's are my safe space (especially with the woke Kapler, keep that down too, will ya?), so you got me there.)
I hear you. Kansas City hasn't been the same since 1967. (I apologize, that's gotta hurt.)
We can still blow this in the ninth.
You sound like a Giants fan!!
Edit: I guess I should say a *baseball* fan.
They don't have this about the Giants:
The man is a fool surrounded by clowns. So long as no one tells him the implications of his choices, he will continue to make bad ones. A fundamental lesson I learned as a top-tier global management consultant was that explaining the implications of a client's choice was a fundamental duty, no matter how much it might harm the consulting firm. The real President, evidently a melange of Nancy Pelosi and
Ron Klain, cannot see beyond the imperative of elect more Democrats.
Both appear to prefer to reign in hell than to serve in Heaven. When Satan tells this to Beelzebub, even Satan doesn't believe it, but knows Beelzebub must act as though he does, because he is an inferior angel.
I hear Mr. Klain is jumping ship. Would that Mr. Pelosi convince his (clears throat) benefactor to do likewise.
We still have the burning question: What flavor of vodka goes best with mint chip ice cream?
The most expensive flavor, I would guess (for her molotov cocktails, too!).
I'll say it again, "that darn rascally Putin!" (sarcasm). With as many years as the psychos have been blaming Putin for everything wrong in America (at least the things they don't approve of) it almost looks like they've been planning to blame Russia all along for what they *knew* was coming. The great news? I don't know anyone who's buying it this time.
"I'll say it again, "that darn rascally Putin!" (sarcasm)."
1) "(sarcasm)" not necessary.
2) re "(sarcasm)": not really!!
Edit: Wait, wait, I want to be clear: I totally agree with you. The only questions remaining is are the Democrats (puppeteering Biden, of course) and Putin in league (direct communication), or just usefully using each other, and when did THAT start?
Yes, even the true believers on the ground don't seem to be on board with blaming Putin for everything.
I don't think many Americans believe anything he says. They are out there lying with such conviction that the vast majority of Americans think everything the say is a lie. I can't tell if they are that arrogant, or just using really bad strategy, but it's patently obvious that it's their fault.