How To Have a Great Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party
It's Monday, you should know this one.......
And that’s what we’ve got for you today! I, of course, will be celebrating Boston Tea Party Day in my usual fashion…….
(Complete with soundtrack, of course.)
Before we get into today’s post, I need to make amends for last week’s post. This little guy accidentally got cut, and he’s very upset about it!
Apologies, Smacky!
Last week I also featured a video of a kitty snuggling in to sleep with his human and mentioned that’s what G does. The very next day, he proved it — how would you like to wake up to this face…..right in your face?
Yeah, I love it, too.
One of his other favorite sleeping spots:
Bonnie was sleeping in the same position as G, but picked her head up when I went to take the picture. ☹️
Rounding out G’s favorite sleeping spots, the nap box normally has a hard occupancy limit of ONE. Exceptions only made in an emergency — like when somebody’s stomping on the roof.
Great (and serious) news from Gay North Dakota — noted Covid Tyrant, Convoy Hater, and all-around terrible person Chrystia Freeland has unexpectedly resigned as deputy prime minister and finance minister in the Canadian Cabinet. Her resignation letter reads as an anti-Trump screed. (No surprise there.)
This is Very Bad News for Justin Trudeau.
Is winning contagious?
Perhaps the coolest, and most next-level, piece of art I’ve ever seen — a copy of Fahrenheit 451 that only becomes readable after the pages are exposed to flames….
Every now and again, I feature a video of something being crushed by a hydraulic press. Today, it’s a piece of glass.
Another semi-regular feature is ordinary people doing ordinary things EXTREMELY well. Like this guy painting a curb:
I could watch that all day.
Sometimes, humans can just be awesome. Even teenage boys.
Problem: You are a toddler and want to be just like dad, but dad can spin a basketball on his finger. Being a toddler, you cannot.
Step one in fixing society is to admit that oftentimes, those who commit the most heinous crimes feel no remorse whatsoever:
One of the best things about getting into video editing is being able to make the jokes in my head into reality!
Sadly, I’m not on this guy’s level — yet!
That’s what I found this week, Screamers! Please add your own positive tales to the comment section below! Also, does anybody live in the New Jersey area who can tell us what they see at night? Inquiring minds want to know!
Afraid of commitment? Buy me a coffee on Ko-fi — no subscription required!
Freeland's letter is surprisingly honest I think. She's being punted to a place-holder position and she knows it, so she instead resigns, kicking the hot potatoe back to Trudeau setting him up for attack for firing a woman (because as Hollywood and the gaymes-industry has been telling us for 15+ years, girlboss can do anything).
And not worrying about resurgent US protectionism by way of new/higher taxes (tariffs are taxes) wouldn't be doing her (soon to be former) job, would it? Canada does need to worry about that, since it's a real issue.
Plus given Trudeau's belly-crawling to kiss the ring of Trump, only a fool would keep their carriage hitched to his horse (or whatever the idiom is). Wouldn't surprised if Canada is about to experience a rash of "tell-all"-books and talks where people like Freeland heap the blame onto Trudeau before the election. That's the problem with being a Judas-goat; just like that - Bam! - you're a scapegoat instead.
(The Swedish phrase for scapegoat is in my opinion better: syndabock. Synd means shame and capital-S Sin, bock means male goat (also: lech) - Billygoat of Sin would be an acceptable translation.)
The local municipal library has started selling off surplus books for 1:- each no matter the type or title. 1:- is about 10 cents. Some days it's weird stuff like a Yiddish translation of 'The Hobbit', some days it's a biography about a legendary Swedish historical painter and illustrator, and some days it's Erich von Däniken's 'Erinnerungen an die Zukunft: Ungelöste Rätsel der Vergangenkeit'.
For a bibliophile like me, that's capital-P Positive.
I do need to be building more shelves, soon.
The guy painting the curb is a machine. I'm sure I would have over spray from the centerline on the street, across the sidewalk, on the side of the building, and on at least a few pedestrians.