By ignoring what is plainly happening, thereby not permitting us to deal with it and perhaps find remedies for it, our "leaders" are sentencing untold numbers of additional people to death now and in the future.

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Instead of speed of science, we get sound of silence.

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D.H. Peligro, longtime drummer for the punk band Dead Kennedys and briefly for the Red Hot Chili Peppers, has died. He was 63.

Dead Kennedys' official Instagram account announced his death on Saturday, saying Peligro (real name Darren Henley) died from a blow to his head after falling Friday in his Los Angeles home.

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Why did he fall; that’s the question! WHY?

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There are so many of these. It's chilling, and what's even more chilling is that no one seems to even consider what might be doing it. How on earth did we get here?

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Yes just yesterday a 49 year old writer died and a 38 year old NFL coach died, both suddenly.

What is unbelievable is that no one in a position of power in government or mainstream media seems willing to look at these unexplained deaths as out of the norm. It’s as if every death happens in a vacuum.

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We were all guilty……Americans first reaction is not necessarily to see conspiracy…….But it doesn’t take long before we stand up and pay attention. We are now.

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Not all. My sister was p.o.ed. But I told her it would just be two weeks. I was a cynic, but I wasn't that cynical.

I've been eating crow for nearly three years now, but I remember. They will sink to any depth.

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Yes, I see a lot of that. We're so complacent we're becoming livestock.

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I love that analogy!

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We are not allowed to talk about it.

According to many, it is "crazy talk"

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They're NOT looking so hard that it's becoming way too obvious.

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Nail on the head.

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Exactly just like pumping the crap out of the Paul Pelosi narrative. It’s too over the top.

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This is sad for all. 🙏

“The COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine. The COVID vaccine is safe. These injuries and deaths are normal.”


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I am emailing her a letter.

You want to be blind cc'd


You want to be cc, your addres showing, email me .

You can help draft


The letter I send can be screenshot and pasted in her Twitter.

Damn woman talks as if Nuremberg was this dark unfathomable secret

Contact if she is brown prof



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I mailed it. Near zero impulse control

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Go John!

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Try Bandit!

I'm a child. A very young one.

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Too much, too young. All unexplained, unexpected deaths should be investigated and explained with foul play ruled out, even if you don't name them by name, there needs to be explanation. We refuse to normalize this. If this gets normalized, anyone can do anything to anyone without explanation.

While I am here ... please consider my one-day POLL: "Who is the most guilty?" - https://leemuller.substack.com/p/poll-who-is-the-most-guilty ... thank you

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Oooh... this is great! I don’t have the confidence or skill to write on Substack, but I have thought it would be great to have a weekly poll to some current event.. I have no idea what the demographics are in the political category, but it could be enlightening. For example, “ Should President Biden take the MOCA test like Trump was pressured to do?” And try my hardest not to interject my bias towards sarcasm.

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Oh, no. Interject your sarcasm…..

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Why not give it a try? Growing up as a kid there was only one section of USA Today I would pay attention to. That factoid chart at the bottom of the front page. That could be your niche :-)

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There is a warm room in Hell for all of these fuckers!

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So Wende,

If you had a young loved one who inexplicably died suddenly, wouldn't you want answers?

Isn't that just human nature?

Something has to be going on behind the scenes in order for some of these people to not start asking the obvious.

I mean if my girl ended up with stitches at volleyball practice, I'd at least want to know WHY!

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Yes, I sure would want to know why a loved one was injured or passed, but it’s in my nature and background to ask lots of questions. Most healthcare professionals DO ask questions, I’m retired so maybe the latest generation have lost or ceded that ability.

I smelled a rat from Day 1, but understood the industry from the inside out.

I’m still really struggling with forgiveness.

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I think email. 401 863. 2159 cekk

Twitter readers probably not as educated on Nuremberg code as substacks


Jan writing from oster:


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Ooh nice

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My fingers are fat, old. If I accidentally hit Report comment, it was mistake. (I don't think I did).

Mr. Gardner is fine human being

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Somebody should report me for all the dark thoughts I'm having about this Oster midwit

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*Slowly sets down the disintegration device*

Oh, okay.

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OMG. You should've been a stand up comedian.

Quick on your feet SimComm!

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Fires of hell denote a lot higher temperature.

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It keeps getting worse and worse. My God……..all the powers that be,…….NIH, CDC and especially all the friggen Senators and Congressmen and women should be standing in the front of the Capital and screaming how the government has caused all these deaths and they should be asking the forgiveness of all Americans because they were complicit in the mandatory murder of the citizens of this country. This simply can’t go on.

But it does.

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I’m with you!! Oh, btw, yesterday, flying home, I had a masked man in the aisle seat, reading his Kindle while I madly venomously posted about Professor Oster’s pathetic petition for amnesty and forgiveness... flight ends, guy stands up and he has a Federal Bureau of Investigation/ Department of Justice fleece on... nice knowing y’all!! 😂😂😂

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If your relatives don't want your little dog (your avatar) once you're in the slammer I'll take it. 😉😊😋

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Did you tell him he was a pu**y?


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He's a pathetic man

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Ok, I’m laughing……..

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Thanks! I’m so happy to have found Substack... more substance, less nasty...I hope Zuckerberg suffers big shrinkage. I’m close to signing off. And I’m happy to pay sincere journalists a pittance to have meaningful dialog. Had I not been a fan of NBC Mike Taibbi long ago on Dateline, it would not have crossed my radar screen.

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I am proof you can survive without facebreak; I signed off exactly two years ago. Now if only companies and local entities would find alternative ways to communicate events, news, sales, etc...😔

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They are asking for forgiveness!!! They sent out bitch oster... As they continue to kill.

They are dealing with people, each of whom would stand alone in the world demanding justice, which is Nuremberg trials and ripe.

But... We aint alone

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"We didn't know what we were doing, so we should just forgive and forget."

"Also, get your kid jabbed to go to school you fucking anti-vaxxer."

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I think.

If she's at Brown ilk give phone number.

We ALL knew about Nuremberg cide.

Btw, our side got very little wrong.

This aint culture wars. I was terrified

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I would email her but the only thing I can think of to say is “ and did your dog eat your homework?? So, you get a C instead of an A?” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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It seems only right to investigate the "vaccine" at the same speed at which it was released on the world. Let's start with strapping that monster, Bill Gates, in a chair and giving him his two shots (from the same batch released in areas with the most SADS), two boosters, the bivalent "booster", and a bit of paxlovid all at once just to see how safe and effective his evil protocol is. That should reaffirm that 20X return on his investment in "vaccines" he likes to brag about.

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My prediction... next up will be an editorial advising that we should stop talking about the vaccines because it’s causing anxiety in the vaccinated. What’s the opposite of fear mongering? I hate these people.

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We all do……..it’s murder.

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I agree with your prediction, won't be long... And there will be more of

that, for sure, will see new calibre of spin, inventions of "conditions"

(mental and otherwise) I suspect there might be new cottage industries

springing to cater for new victims. Hey, where there's opportunity...

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Yeah I am thinking vaxx anxiety emotional support dogs. $5000 lol

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Good one Amy 🤣

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It’s not a prediction, my husband is a practicing pharmacist. It’s been ongoing since this shit storm started.

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Sounds like the scam the financial companies have going: They get you on the way up, then they get you on the way down. (Then they buy the house you can no longer afford!)

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Oh, God,……this must be killing your husband. He sees it up close…..

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Me too! Same profession. I sell Real Estate in Florida now. It’s easier than watching people drug themselves to death.

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I really am sorry. I’m glad you’re speaking out, though. I hope that gives you some solace ……….some………

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"Anxiety will exacerbate the well-known heart-related side effects, so please don't talk about the well-known heart-related side effects that totally don't exist."

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LOL!! It’s really not funny, I’ve developed like a spasm in my neck and keep wondering if it’s a stroke waiting to happen.. two Pfizers (because of the grands) , no boosters.

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flccc protocol i- recover may help, NAC ivm etc etc.

red light "photo bio modulation" .

also Chris masterjohn phD has a $10 download explaining ALL the known mechanisms all clear and heavily referenced... about healing protocols.

he is a very evidence based scientist..I just read part of it on his substack and it blew me away, have ordered

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I agree! Antidepressants and anxiolytics way up in the pharmacies! I’d be nervous too.

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Makes ya wonder if J&J (Julie & Julia) got the J & J ... could it have been Murderna or the Pfuczer?

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They all have the same mechanism, even if the delivery system is different, so they all are basically going to do the same thing.

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D.H. Peligro, drummer for Dead Kennedys also passed away this week after a strange event at his house.

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I had seen about Adam Zimmer, but I hadn't seen Julie Powell. Good grief.

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Where is the “cause of death”?????

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I haven't seen one for Zimmer, but right in the article on Julie Powell, it says "cardiac arrest."

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Yup - I remember how disgusting this MN coach Zimmer (apparently the father) was re the jab. He was despicably all in & was a horrible example of how much the non-compliant were going to be treated. I used to watch NFL football avidly - now, I despise the marxist mentality at the NFL. And now... his son at 38 is dead. Really tragic and totally avoidable if you just stop & question. Doesn’t anybody question this crap anymore except a few of us?

At least a few on Cousin’s Twitter feed legitimately asked about the jab. The jab use should be in the top 5 questions of every death....Every.single.one.

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Yeah.....hello people....what's wrong with this picture?!

The brain washing runs deep.

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Of course he was……bet the ranch on it.

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Exactly. His dad was shaming hesitant NFL players...so I imagine his son was on board the bandwagon

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Now, now, Martha………remember that spasm in your neck. Deep breath…..breathe. Actually, I got all the shots because of guilt too , and every time I get a cramp I think, OMG, this is it!

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And Julia Powell was very open and proud of her vaxx status

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Well...now she can be “proudly” dead.

So unnecessary & truly tragic.

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Sports Affinity Death Syndrome (SADS)

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Sad Attempt at Distracting from Sideeffects

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