Let the idiots tslk. I'm verklept.

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Those who think the Commander is being too critical of Mr Graham, even a bit harsh, might be surprised to learn others are even more critical. A notable example is Steve Deace, who has incorporated insults into his DAILY act, even using Lindsay as an improper noun and adjective. And Steve isn't even from South Carolina.

Graham is an inconsistent idiot, sometimes doing the right thing, often otherwise. His salvation is he's better than his campaign opponents, and the good people of SC have other worries than national politics, like the occasional hurricane. It's likely that better candidates could be found, but no one there seems willing to do so.

The primary cause of our political troubles is voter complacency. As long as we ignore the political process, or assume it's beyond our control, we will always suffer the worst aspects of human nature. The only mitigation for idiots is social pressure.

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You know, right before I published my latest post, I seriously had to think about the FBI scenario at my own door.

Regular people are now being taken as political prisoners, and this isn't hyperbole. I wonder how many BLM or Antifa protestors had the same organization knock at their doors?

But that's what communists do. They threaten and coerce by making an example of a few which forces the masses to self-edit, stay quiet, or otherwise not engage. "Be a shame if you said something...non-compliant".

Fuck that.


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As the fentanyl riots of 2020 progressed, during that "summer of love" (could it have been any more doublespeak?!) while the likelihood of uninvited guests was slim, we made sure to be better prepared for said "visitors". Then this summer it began to dawn on me that not only were there no BLM/Antifa block parties, but the threat had changed. I wasn't preparing for them to persuade me into compliance, I was preparing for a visit from the Stasi ... but as Solzhenitsyn and Orwell remarked, "they always come in the night".

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Yep. Fuck that. If I have to be dragged away and put into a hole for people to see what's going on, it's a price I will happily pay. Far too few people are willing to lose something for their principles these days.

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How dare someone choose peace over nuclear war. Sigh. I'm so sick of all of this madness in the world. I wrote my congress critter to urge no more meddling and got the typical canned response of how "Russia is the bad guy" and we must support "Democracy" in Ukraine. WTH? Nothing that has gone on over there has been any of our business. I have a bad feeling we are going to get what's coming to us... whether we like it or not. And we have the compromised, captured and cowardly politicians in America to thank for everything that's coming our way. (I know it's more complex than that, but...)

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Yep. When you write your letters you get one of two responses:

1) Thanks for writing! We agree! I'll keep fighting!

2) Thanks for writing! We disagree, and here's why you're wrong.

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It is astonishing to me that they would upend our whole economy and way of life over the green agenda, but happily skip towards Nuclear war. I think, I THINK nuclear holocaust will be a TINY bit worse than the average temperature of earth going up a degree! Complete madness.

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When Obama flies out of DC and heads to Hawaii, take cover!

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Of you kill 90% of the people in the world, you don't need the economy.

Genocide and control are the goals. Economic and kinetic war are the tools. Green energy is the false flag justification.

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He does have a point about taxes subsidising EVs six ways to Sunday, but that has nothing to do with Russia's invasion of Ukraine - peak whataboutism?

And an old truism is proven again: it is rarely those that will go to the front, that calls for war.

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There's no correlation at all. Musk spoke out against never-ending war, so he must be threatened and/or punished.

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Did you see what Elon's response was? It was classic and put Graham's social media teenager right back in their place. Interestingly, most articles about the whole back-and-forth leave out the response, my guess is because it reminds the American people of inconvenient truths about political favors.


Elon Musk @elonmusk

Replying to @LindseyGrahamSC

First of all, Tesla hasn’t had that consumer tax credit for years & we didn’t ask for this one – GM & Ford did

9:27 PM · Oct 5, 2022

·Twitter for iPhone


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As Teslas are made out of Ford parts to a certain amount...

Also, he is either ignorant of his own affairs or lying:


"According to a Los Angeles Times investigation, Musk's companies had received an estimated $4.9 billion in government support by 2015, and they've gotten more since."

Not to mention that the cars are crap for the price you pay.

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They've obviously gotten a lot of government support (Musk is perhaps the king of this) but the specific point about tax credits is correct. (Which is what Graham was threatening to remove)

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It is funny to think back on the days when people thought the Internet and the transparency it enabled would save us from this kind of government behavior.

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Lindsay Graham calls for endless war with Russia and cries out for someone to take Putin out. I'm sure he makes those provocative remarks thinking he can fall back on his so called military career that never saw a bullet pass his way. His veiled threats toward Musk disgust me, as does his commentary on the war in Ukraine. In Biden's "liberal" America you have to play by his rules and those of the democrats who decide the right and wrong of things. The democrat's authoritarianism was on full display during the Trump years, but Trump hate blocked it's view. When is it anything but authoritarian to try and take out a legally elected president, and never hold those involved accountable, evidence be damned. Then set up a non-constitutional committee made up of democrats and 2 who hate Trump's guts, to secure a verdict he's guilty on all counts. Question: Did the pro-life minister assault a patient, sounds made up since he would risk loosing his intended purpose

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During the early Trump years, a pic surfaced of McCain and Graham with Ukraine terrorists. Graham is a corrupt snake.

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Politically he's a no for me, but a while back I looked up his background and it's sad. Both parents dead by time he's in his early 20's and he raised his sister who was a young teen at the time. Coming from his background I'll give him credit fro making something of his life, definitely didn't come from money and even worked in his teenage years. Maybe his parents had a bar, don't remember. He never married and many have wondered if he's gay, and maybe he is and covers it up with a lot of stupid bravado. Tough guy.

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Someone once showed me photo of Pelosi in Ukraine a few years ago, saying she was over there working to get kickbacks. "Is that so?". I asked. I continued, " So why is Lindsay Graham in the same room there in the background?"

He's neck deep in the corruption and kickbacks in the same country.

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Another surfaced with McCain and Graham and terrorists.

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There's no video, so we can't say for sure. I haven't heard anything about a specific encounter like I did with the Houck case. The press release is light on details:


The indictment alleges that, beginning in February 2021, Chester Gallagher utilized social media to promote a series of anti-abortion events scheduled for March 4-7, 2021, in the Nashville area. Other co-conspirators then utilized Facebook to coordinate travel and logistics and to identify other participants for the blockade. On March 4, 2021, Coleman Boyd and Chester Gallager advertised the blockade of the Carafem Health Center Clinic, in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, which was planned for the following day. In his social media post, Gallagher referred to the blockade as a “rescue.” Boyd also began a Facebook livestream broadcast of the clinic blockade at 7:45 a.m. on March 5, 2021. This livestream broadcast was titled, in part, “Mt. Juliet, TN Rescue March 5, 2021,” and livestreamed the blockade event as his coconspirators and others blocked the clinic’s entry doors and prevented a patient and an employee from entering. The livestream also broadcast members of the group attempting to engage a patient and her companion as Boyd told his livestream audience that the patient was a “mom coming to kill her baby.”

The indictment further alleges that on March 5, 2021, the 11 individuals, aided and abetted by one another, used force and physical obstruction to injure, intimidate, and interfere with employees of the clinic and a patient who was seeking reproductive health services.

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I certainly don't approve of assaulting this woman, if that is what he did, nor do I approve of preventing women from getting an abortion. However, when it comes to violence it is now  acceptable when it is done by people who back Biden, like BLM, who created mayhem and death in many places, and often with no consequences. Object to the Supreme Court decision on Roe V. Wade and you can walk, run, and scream down the streets where the Justices live, and even voice threats on their lives. Interesting how extremely "liberal" the democrats have become, or have they simply defined themselves that way? Not long ago I read Thomas Franks' book "Listen Liberal" which defined the party in much more realistic terms. Under Bill Clinton the party sharply shifted to the right although it was going in that direction for decades. In the 2016 democrat campaign MSNBC would call Bernie an old curmudgeon,  not surprising since the democrats for  decades have side lined their liberals.  Biden has never been a liberal yet he and his party have become "liberal" extremists. I saw them trying to create this image during the Trump years. Something is really fishy about this and I have to think about it. Unfortunately war is always out of the equation, since Russia is and always has been the devil in disguise. The democrats from the beginning painted Trump''s base as xenophobes, homophobes, sexists, racists, a bunch of nazis, while the dems are trying to become, or have even reached their goal as being holier then thou. 

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Obviously anybody who is guilty of an actual crime with a victim, such as assault, should be charged.

But never in my life have I heard of the FBI getting themselves involved in shit like this. And Houck said months ago that he'd surrender if it was required.

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Nominally a complaint and a summons served. The FBI use of force was excessive, unnecessary and a waste of resources. No evidence those involved were armed or posed any threat the process. The FBI effort seems to be a planned deterrent.

At the moment all we have is the complaint and a denial response. Must wait for the court to hear evidence. The press will, of course, demonize the activity.

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That's something to think about, the FBI getting involved in this manner. A recent thing? Don't know.

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Hmmm ..."used force and physical obstruction to injure, intimidate, and interfere"

All of the above, huh? I doubt it. I believe this was another case that was originally dismissed. I could be wrong but it happened back in 2021!

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The pro-life protest arrest is unfathomably horrible. I can't comprehend how the FBI and DOJ could be reaching their tentacles into rural Tennessee and small town peaceful protesters. My parents were co-chairs of their Catholic Right to Life committee. I'm glad they didn't live to be seen as domestic threat agents. One of us in the family is enough.

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Speculating, since as a foreigner I'm more acquainted with the Hollywood/late night TV-version of your acronym-police agencies:

Isn't the simplest explanation that they are acting on "information received from sources cloes to the suspect", by which I mean pro-abortion activists have started making co-ordinated anonymous reports to the agency about select targets in their local communities?

Think of it like this: you are an FBI-agent tasked with monitoring the risk of radicalisation of pro-life activists in your area. In the already inflamed debate climate after the Supreme Courts decision earlier this year, you start getting anonymous tips. First one or two, vague and and non-descript, then more and more and from different people yet somewhat internally consistent.

(The way it would look if a group of a dozen or so agreed beforehand to always include three out of nine different indicators every time any of them left a bogus tip.)

To you the agent this would look if not as confirmation, then surely as something you must look into, and then confirmation bias, PC training and public plus inter-office pressure does the rest until you have convinced yourself that the Gung-Ho approach is all that's on the table.

See, I was part of the black&reds over here in my youth, and that's a tactic we used against opponents: call and mail (postcards) in anonymous tips in such a way it looks real, and then the Machine does the rest. It's like being chased by wolves and leading them to a flock of sheep while you make your getaway, kind of.

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That might be true if we saw the same thing from the people lighting family clinics on fire. The disturbing thing (IMO) is how they turn a blind eye to actual crimes and violence in order to hyper-focus on 'the elevated threat'.

Edit: Ug I worded that badly cause it's too early. It's sort of like the FBI 'investigating' school board protestors because of 'heightened threat', citing the report that the white house asked the NSBA to write.


The White House was “actively engaged” with the National School Boards Association before it sent a letter to the Biden administration asking that the feds investigate outspoken parents and likening them to domestic terrorists, an internal memo reveals.

The Oct. 12 NSBA memo raises serious questions about whether the White House ordered Attorney General Merrick Garland to have the FBI investigate confrontations and other incidents at local school board meetings across the US.


This is likely the same type of thing.

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I was going to agree even pre-edit but you make the point more clearly with the example. It's the combination that keeps everyone on edge.

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Wow, that is very insidious. In this case, I can't imagine my parents' church group figuring out how to use that, since they're barely functional with their cell phones. Rosary beads, they've got that down.

I think it's more likely the political coliseum fights designed to make us get out the knives among ourselves--meanwhile distracting us from punching up. Anne Gibbons has a great cartoon on this: https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/hit-and-miss.

What are the black&reds, in which country? That sounds like an intense youth.

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It is a manifestation of the Niemöller quote, "first they came for..." being played out at real time speed. The "Laws" that they (choose to) enforce are there in the books, and we have gone along with them, in the case of the pro life demonstrators it's the FACES Act... the Orwellian named patriot act is another perfect example.

November had better signal some sort of course correction, or the system will self correct and it will be a HARD reset.

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Yep. Along with school board protestors/speakers. This is blatant weaponization of the state to punish those who speak the wrong thing.

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Before any jockey spits his take on the Ukraine, take a look at a book called 'BloodLands'. The nexus of the last WW is the locus of this one. Take note of what happens to people when they starve due to being edited out of citizenship. It's all about to be enacted again because some idiots really think that they deserve to rule the world because perfect ideology...another thing connected to this hot zone.

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I’m grateful for you taking one for the team by actually reading Lindsey Graham Twitter thread.

They do eventually say the quiet part out loud. They can’t help themselves.

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I don't hate many people in this world, but the list includes Lindsey Graham. As Rand Paul once said, we're fighting in so many places even Lindsey Graham can't keep track.

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I liked Graham when he was in the house and on the impeachment committee for Clinton. Boy has he changed.

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That was like 30 years in the swamp ago.

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Too much power

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Me, too. I am starting to equate the sinner with their sins as far as hating goes.

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At some point it's not like "That guy accidentally was angry, or jealous for a moment" and more like "that guy is willfully getting young Americans killed for profit."

At that point the sinner IS the sin, IMO.

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The only single worse person is Mitch McConnell.

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Tim pool showed the analytics that both Democrats AND republicans of ALL ages hate Mitch McConnell 😂😂

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Mandatory Congressional retirement age of 70. That pretty much takes care of my “They Must Go” list, except Graham, he’s 67. His personal story is so touching, it’s too bad he’s such an MIC sell out.

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MarthaAW…….you mention personal story….could you tell me what that is? And, what does MIC mean? Yes, I’m just that clueless this morning. THANKS!, Denise

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MIC is our bureaucratic bloated Military Industrial Complex…there are huge vendors in SC that donate huge $$ to keep Graham in office. Here’s the Senators personal story.. he has remained close to his sister and her family. During his run against D Jamie Harrison, SC Democrats made an unsuccessful attempt to “ out” him , which I thought in light of his life long dedication to his sister and her family was really “not nice.”

Lindsey Olin Graham was born in Central, South Carolina, where his parents, Millie (Walters) and Florence James "F.J." Graham, ran a restaurant/bar/pool hall/liquor store, the Sanitary Cafe.[19][20] His family is of Scots-Irish descent.[21][22] After graduating from D. W. Daniel High School, Graham became the first member of his family to attend college, and joined the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. When he was 21, his mother died of Hodgkin's lymphoma, aged 52, and his father died 15 months later of a heart attack, aged 69.[21] Because his then-13-year-old sister was left orphaned, the service allowed Graham to attend the University of South Carolina in Columbia so he could remain near home as his sister's legal guardian.[12] During his studies, he became a member of the Pi Kappa Phi social fraternity.[23]

He graduated from the University of South Carolina with a B.A. in psychology in 1977, and from the University of South Carolina School of Law with a J.D. in 1981.[24]

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Thank you so much. The MIC was news to me. I have to say that I agree with Eisenhower in his thinking.

Also, I was unaware of Graham’s taking care of his sister. Strong devotion and moral fiber. And with regards to some casting aspersions towards him was “not nice”.

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I can't comment about the story, but the MIC is the Military-Industrial Complex, famously warned about by Eisenhauer.


On January 17, 1961, Dwight D. Eisenhower ends his presidential term by warning the nation about the increasing power of the military-industrial complex.

His remarks, issued during a televised farewell address to the American people, were particularly significant since Ike had famously served the nation as military commander of the Allied forces during WWII. Eisenhower urged his successors to strike a balance between a strong national defense and diplomacy in dealing with the Soviet Union. He did not suggest arms reduction and in fact acknowledged that the bomb was an effective deterrent to nuclear war. However, cognizant that America’s peacetime defense policy had changed drastically since his military career, Eisenhower expressed concerns about the growing influence of what he termed the military-industrial complex.

Before and during the Second World War, American industries had successfully converted to defense production as the crisis demanded, but out of the war, what Eisenhower called a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions emerged. This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience Eisenhower warned, "[while] we recognize the imperative need for this development...We must not fail to comprehend its grave implications we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence…The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." Eisenhower cautioned that the federal government’s collaboration with an alliance of military and industrial leaders, though necessary, was vulnerable to abuse of power. Ike then counseled American citizens to be vigilant in monitoring the military-industrial complex.

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Mitch McConnell is a flower and makes me want to scream

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Also on the list.

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Add Kevin McCarthy.

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Don't make fun of Frank Luntz' roommate. Those sexual allegations we're totally over "blown" 😂

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The list is long.

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And growing daily.

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