Some of the most frustrating things about the “covid era” were the ever-changing excuses for life-upending “virus-fighting” measures — changes which almost always served political science far better than actual science.
Obviously the biggest example were vaccine requirements (and the subsequent ‘vax passes’). The ‘experts’ said the jab would stop the spread and protect others — but once that story crumbled, they gaslighted the public and declared the shots were only designed to prevent serious death and disease. (Of course, at the time if you pointed out the shots didn’t prevent transmission and therefore any protection offered by the jabs was personal, you got thrown out of society and labeled a grandma-killer.)
Another glaring example involves the removal of the mask requirements for the vaccinated. This policy was put into place to “encourage” people to get the jab (you want to take off that mask, don’t you?), but the ‘experts’ turned on a dime and reinstated universal mask mandates just months later. (A cynic might suggest the agency achieved its short-term goal of getting jabs into arms by dangling the no-mask carrot, then threw that carrot away once it no longer worked.)
I’m sure we could spend all day listing covid lies spewed for political or personal gain (after all, those billions of dollars went SOMEWHERE!), but today I want to focus on some covid TRUTHS. In particular, one covid truth that blows a current narrative-pushing lie out of the water — that lie being “We didn’t know.”
Lost in the midst of Anthony Fauci’s nearly uncountable falsehoods is the fact that at one point during the covid crisis, he was actually doing a fairly decent job of “following the science.” At the start of covid, Fauci went on “60 Minutes” and told people that masks didn’t work — though later Dr. Shitweasel claimed that he knowingly lied to the American people in order to save masks for health-care workers. (A decent journalist would ask why Fauci didn’t tell people to just strap an old T-shirt to their faces, but Fauci doesn’t talk to decent journalists.) For a while, Fauci also urged calm instead of panic — the proper position for a public health official.
Let’s jump back to those early days of the covid crisis when Fauci hadn’t yet flipped the “panic” switch to find out what ELSE he knew. Here’s an article from The New England Journal of Medicine:
Obviously we know about Fauci and his prominence during covid, but let’s take a deeper look at the other two authors:

So here we have the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, his Deputy Director of Clinical Research and Special Projects, and the then-Director of the CDC. If we’re appealing to authority, there’s not many authorities higher than this trio of highly paid government “experts.”
And what did these experts have say about covid and its risks? (highlighting mine)
So by late February 2020 AT THE LATEST, our trio of experts knew that either children don’t get covid or that their symptoms are so mild that many more people have been infected than we previously realized. (Turns out, both were true.) Even the best CDC estimate for kids produced an IFR of 0.00003. (0.003% — or 3 in 100,000)
At this point, it’s vital to remember that during the initial emergency declarations, SCHOOLS REMAINED OPEN. However, the OPTICS of schools remaining open — and of children milling about in huge groups of hundreds or thousands — became a POLITICAL embarrassment to the people who declared that you couldn’t go to church or out to the bar.
So they closed the schools. Not because of “new data” or because “the science changed” — the science remained stubbornly consistent: kids aren’t at risk from (and have a hard time spreading) covid. However, the POLITICAL optics were determined to be more important than the education (and socialization) of children. The experts sacrificed your child’s future so they wouldn’t have to answer tough questions such as “Why is the country locked down for adults but not for children?” (In an additional ironic twist, many of those people are the same ones now stressing the importance of education in a child’s life….)
We all know that during 2020 and 2021, Fauci seemed to be everywhere in media, exaggerating the threat of covid to children, exaggerating the effectiveness of masks on children, and exaggerating the benefits of the vaccine for children — sometimes all at once.
But even in the aftermath of terrible decisions like closing down the schools, a few people got fabulously wealthy. I’m sure I’m not the only one who noticed that when schools shut down, they nearly universally started using Zoom — a Microsoft product.
EDIT: Microsoft owns TEAMS, not Zoom. I am bad at this sometimes.
(Strange how so many roads lead back to Bill Gates, isn’t it?) Companies making industrial cleaning products saw a huge bump in sales to schools, as did whatever company made these abominations:
But the “experts” knew the whole time that children weren’t at risk from covid — they just kept lying to us until their lies were no longer politically convenient. (And to the extent they’re still able to lie to us now — that’s exactly what they’re doing.)
And the lies don’t stop with the threat of covid to children. Further into the article, we find another jaw-dropping admission:
Remember when you’d get thrown off social media for saying “Covid is a bad flu”? Well, here are three ‘expert’ scientists saying the exact same thing. Remember, by April 2020 we had already determined (through antibody testing) that the virus was far more widespread than the ‘experts’ believed — and therefore the IFR was far lower than the initial estimates gleaned from infecting all the at-risk at once in hospitals and nursing homes. (By July 2020, Stanford scientist John Ioannidis estimated the IFR at 0.27% — the equivalent of a bad flu season. He was promptly canceled.)
Yet these same ‘experts’ sat by — or actively encouraged — the exaggeration of the risks of covid for two years. As the data came streaming in, all signs pointing to “not as dangerous as advertised”, these ‘experts’ doubled down on worthless interventions such as lockdowns and masks. Even worse, when you made the SAME EXACT argument they made in The New England Journal of Medicine, you were slandered as an anti-science rube.
The real question is WHY these ‘experts’ turned on a dime and “forgot” everything that they knew by February 2020. It certainly wasn’t new SCIENTIFIC data — so what was it? Maybe this article about Fauci secretly meeting with the CIA around the end of the month can shine some light onto the situation…….
Regardless of the WHY Fauci and his gang of criminals did an about-face, one thing is certain: when they upended the lives of millions of Americans — THEY KNEW BETTER. Don’t let them get away with claiming otherwise.
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Great evidence. Love all the truth seekers refusing to let this go. We can never let it go until there is accountability. This was just another crisis to exploit... except it wasn’t even a crisis. 🤔The shock doctrine at work. Funny that Naomi Klein did an about face when the biggest example on earth was unfolding in front of her face. Know what she did during COVID? Wrote an entire book excoriating Naomi Wolf for all the work she did during COVID that Klein failed to do. Talk about cognitive dissonance. Mistakes were not made!
Oh my.
I have some words.
I will not say them.
I just scream forcefully into a pillow and push those words out as well.
It is good to do this regularly, I encourage all of you.
This past few years we have been vilified, scolded. shut out, cancelled ghosted and tossed out of "family units" like trash.
I have no words for that.