The vast majority can't see through the false two party paradigm and are oblivious to the massive criminality that is at the core....

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This is OT a bit... but part of lockdown is to isolate us from others who refuse DEATHVAX. Very diabolical . It mentions it in this article. So you all are some brave folks! Cheers


The whistleblower on this is a patriot

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I feel like I need to throw up, or throw a fit or just throw something because this, words fail me and all that's left is screaming!


"The cop husband of one of the teachers slain in the Texas school massacre had desperately tried to rescue his shot wife — but was instead detained and had his gun taken away, according to harrowing testimony about the “abject failure” of the response."

He hears his wife calling for help, he hears she's been shot and is bleeding out, he tries to get to her so he can take out the shooter, and other officers and/or federal agents stop him?!

How he isn't going on a rampage against those who made sure his wife and so many others died I will never understand. I on't even want to understand it. Those responsible, both on site and in office, needs not only get the sack for this, they bloody well needs lynching and nothing but!

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This is exactly why I said that without the police around, that room would have been stormed in 10 minutes, tops. They were MUCH MORE interested in stopping those who would rush into the room than rushing the room themselves.

But, hey, everybody wearing a badge went home safe, and that's priority #1! 🙄

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2 Arguments against GUN CONTROL! First one: Gun control leads to TOTAL GUN CONFISCATION. Gun control in Red China, USSR, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan (1931-1945), North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan (Taliban, al-Qaeda, et al.), etc. resulted in the murder of over 250 MILLION innocent citizens in those countries. That's what GUN CONTROL DOES!

Second Argument (and closer to home): The US Supreme Court ruled in DeShaney v. Winnebago County DSS, 489 U.S. 189 (1989) and Castle Rock v. Gonzalez, 545 U.S. 748 (2005) that the state (law enforcement) owes NO DUTY TO PROTECT ITS CITIZENS FROM EACH OTHER!!!! That means if you have total gun confiscation and no ability to defend yourself from other citizens (read: criminals and government domestic terrorists), you're dead!!!!! Hence, the reason everyone, and I mean everyone MUST call your U.S. Representatives and Senators and State Representatives and Senators and demand REPEAL OF ALL GUN CONTROL LAWS IN THE UNITED STATES!!!!

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Did you see this unbelievable BS?


Yeah, “According to the officers, they didn’t engage back because in the background there was kids playing and they were scared of hitting the kids.” Sure, that sounds legit! 911 was called because the punk crashed his truck and then started randomly shooting at people, but when police arrived kids were still PLAYING nearby?! Do they not realize how insane and blatantly false that sounds to any rational person? Simply put, the officer was cowering behind his car, afraid to poke his head up and take a shot, so he had to quickly come up with a lame excuse for his failure.

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SimulationCommander, you know I love you, but you are wrong.

Clown World is over. We are officially in Hell.

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Public agencies, funded by the people's $$$ via their taxes, always amaze me when they work to keep information secret. Abuses happen and are continued in secret. Ulvade has no business hiding facts from the public. Secrets by public agencies are unacceptable, but that seems the newest norm. I'm waiting for those doing lawful records requests to get arrested and thrown into solitary confinement, since we now live in a good is evil and evil is good world.

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This has happened many times, in cities across the nation, people placed their reliance in the “Protect And Serve” police motto - and when the crunch came, the looters and rioters with the hammers and gasoline bombs came, the police were nowhere to be found. 911 calls were simply dropped, or, as above, the police were simply too concerned for their personal safety to come - and they had absolutely no concern for the safety or lives of those people caught up in the middle of the looting and burning. With all of their militarized vehicles, bought with hundreds of thousands of tax dollars, with all of their military gear and armor, with their six-figure salaries, lavish benefits, and six-figure pensions beginning at age 50 - they couldn’t be persuaded to lift a finger. In some places like Minneapolis, the entire police force just left town, leaving the city to the looters and rioters to do with as they desired - and in Minneapolis, the police started the riot.

And without a doubt, a lot of those people will have the idea that they can simply sue the city for its failure to protect them in their hour of need, with the expensive police force, supported with millions upon millions of their tax dollars. And at that point, they’ll come into contact with the Public Duty Doctrine, which will be used to absolve the police and the city from all responsibility, and all legal liability for their failure to act - to protect or serve. Here’s the holding from one of the leading cases on this Doctrine: “[I]t is a "fundamental principle of American law that a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any individual citizen." Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. Ct. of Ap., 1981). So that means that they’re out of their money - more than that, out of their legal fees and time and expense pursuing the matters through the legal system.

In fact, “Protect and Serve” is an illusory promise, like the promises of politicians and government. There is no recourse if those promises are broken when it serves the interests of the government or its agents, in this case, the police. They have an interest in retaining their income, their benefits, their pensions, and their good health, and they have no enforceable legal duty to risk any of those things. True, police officers *do* risk their lives, take brave actions to rescue those in need, expose themselves to danger to save lives - but they have the same duty to do so as any other citizen has - and that’s none at all. Despite the fact that people - and in some cases, the laws - treat them as a superior class of being, in the terms of their legal obligations to others, they are the same as everybody else.

The truth of the matter is this - “It is, therefore, a fact of law and of practical necessity that individuals are responsible for their own personal safety, and that of their loved ones. Police protection must be recognized for what it is: only an auxiliary general deterrent.” https://www.firearmsandliberty.com/kasler-protection.html

In other words, you’re on your own, so far as protecting yourselves and your property. In many cities, the police no longer investigate theft. They’ll take a police report, but do nothing - and they have no legal duty to do so. It’s up to you to protect your property, by whatever measures you see fit. Same case for your business and neighborhood against looters and robbers - and school shooters.

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Yep! "Protect and Serve" is just a motto with exactly as much legal power as "Have it your way".

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Open records request are only to be granted if government did everything good, and they deem it so.....

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Justice and any investigations have become so one sided.

And every time I read about any "white supremist" thing, I automatically assume FBI was the one behind it. How sad is that?

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All as planned. I think it's disgusting Obama and Michael haven't left DC yet!

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Cya is sop for the public sector.

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So...children’s lives are worth less than the embarrassment of grown ass cops? Or something? Despicable.

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You were expecting consistency?

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This might actually work to our advantage. It reminds me of the Pfizer documents fiasco. When big pharma / government scrambles this hard to cover things up, it rings alarm bells in people’s brains. It’s a disturbing move, but it might be good for us in the long run. Different things trigger different people. Covid converted some people. Ukraine converted more. Gas prices converted more. Gun control converted more.

The more the government chips away at its own credibility and convinces the average person that it does not have his best interests at heart, the greater chance we have of winning this war.

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That's a good point. But the sheople need to have the shit shook out of them. They're still in a stupor...denial...or something

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Very much in line with the policies long since established by the "incompetocracy" . Under NO circumstances may any member of the administrative/bureaucratic state be held accountable. For anything. Ever! Even when children are being murdered.

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