In its self-described "pied piper" strategy, the Clinton campaign proposed intentionally cultivating extreme right-wing presidential candidates, hoping to turn them into the new "mainstream of the Republican Party" in order to try to increase Clinton's chances of winning.
The Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee called for using far-right candidates "as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right." Clinton's camp insisted that Trump and other extremists should be "elevated" to "leaders of the pack" and media outlets should be told to "take them seriously."
I'm of the mind that it's the 'modernization' of Smith-Mundt that is to blame. Since then, using propaganda against Americans has been legal. I'm sure it's totally a coincidence that now the CIA and ex-military 'experts' plague every network like tapeworms.
The only time the press called Trump presidential is when he bombed Syria.
Edit: That quote was actually from Clinton's camp. SHE thinks that the media is in their pocket -- I happen to agree.
The real mystery here: Did NPR actually think this article would help the Democrats?
I mean, people have been pointing this "hypocrisy" out for a while now, at least enough that if you have any kind of contact outside the Democrat bubble you would have noticed that the DNC itself was bankrolling these candidates that they now claim are fascists and whose election will spell the end of democracy as they know it. NPR hasn't suddenly found its religion, its humanity, or its integrity, so this piece was published as a way to explain away this apparent paradox that Democrats were supporting "literal fascists" (how I love that phrase).
I think they should have listened to that old quote, variously attributed: Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
The New Yorker ran a similar piece ( It's not just the Democrat party, though. Do you remember all the Democrats in states with open primaries who were gloating about using their votes to help put Trump on the presidential ballot back in 2016 because they thought he was an absurd candidate?
Is there a more repugnant race than that for US senate in PA? An obviously handicapped man with no accomplishments and TV doc who supports transgendering children?
Oz condones transgendering children? That is surprising . In all fairness, calling Oz a TV Doc is like calling Trump a TV game show host. I wish Oz had stuck to his field of cardiology, when practicing he was a brilliant and accomplished cardiac surgeon. Having lived in NJ for several decades, I know two people who were his patients.
Remember when Democrats did this to run against Trump in 2016?
In its self-described "pied piper" strategy, the Clinton campaign proposed intentionally cultivating extreme right-wing presidential candidates, hoping to turn them into the new "mainstream of the Republican Party" in order to try to increase Clinton's chances of winning.
The Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee called for using far-right candidates "as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right." Clinton's camp insisted that Trump and other extremists should be "elevated" to "leaders of the pack" and media outlets should be told to "take them seriously."
Your last sentence is incredibly revealing. You take for granted that the traditional press and media are subservient to "Democratic" directives.
Follow the money? or propose another mechanism.
I'm of the mind that it's the 'modernization' of Smith-Mundt that is to blame. Since then, using propaganda against Americans has been legal. I'm sure it's totally a coincidence that now the CIA and ex-military 'experts' plague every network like tapeworms.
The only time the press called Trump presidential is when he bombed Syria.
Edit: That quote was actually from Clinton's camp. SHE thinks that the media is in their pocket -- I happen to agree.
I've been hoping these pied piper strategies backfire and that every "ultra maga" candidate they funded is elected!
Oh those twicky twicky Democrats....watching their “ genius” antics is like watching a Roadrunner cartoon...Beep, Beep!
Wile E....
The easy win they expected up here has now turned into a one-point lead over "crazy MAGA guy."
Tuesday gonna be fun. Me, I'm just an observer. Can't support any of 'em. But I won't be crying if the crazy MAGA guys win.
Be sure to remind all the fit-throwers that the DNC bankrolled these guys "because they would be easy to beat".
Maybe if you can't beat THOSE guys......................
I can only discuss politics with you guys.
Not true! We can discuss football, too! ;)
Neverending Panhandlers Radio?
Who listens to them... haha
Humans are so addicted to "news" they just listen and believe the bs.
I mean, we are wading in BS swill
There were other sources, but I love using NPR when I can, for obvious reasons. ;)
20 years ago I used to listen to a few of their programs, but not any more.
They claim no advertising but they are constantly begging for money
I have XM radio (minimum package) and also listen on my way home from dad at 4:00
to Vince Coglianese on WMAL
NPR... Your tax $ at work.
At least you don't have to pay for CBC. I do listen to their music but am very aware of the "spin" on every newscast.
The real mystery here: Did NPR actually think this article would help the Democrats?
I mean, people have been pointing this "hypocrisy" out for a while now, at least enough that if you have any kind of contact outside the Democrat bubble you would have noticed that the DNC itself was bankrolling these candidates that they now claim are fascists and whose election will spell the end of democracy as they know it. NPR hasn't suddenly found its religion, its humanity, or its integrity, so this piece was published as a way to explain away this apparent paradox that Democrats were supporting "literal fascists" (how I love that phrase).
I think they should have listened to that old quote, variously attributed: Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Exactly. How did nobody in the entire org pipe up with "Won't the public find out we bankrolled these guys?"
Or maybe somebody did and they went ahead with it anyway. A bad plan is better than no plan!
Crash the poles or their coming to crash your door in at some point.
It'd be hard to find a better example of crackpot realism. Liberals for MAGA!
The New Yorker ran a similar piece ( It's not just the Democrat party, though. Do you remember all the Democrats in states with open primaries who were gloating about using their votes to help put Trump on the presidential ballot back in 2016 because they thought he was an absurd candidate?
Is there a more repugnant race than that for US senate in PA? An obviously handicapped man with no accomplishments and TV doc who supports transgendering children?
Oz condones transgendering children? That is surprising . In all fairness, calling Oz a TV Doc is like calling Trump a TV game show host. I wish Oz had stuck to his field of cardiology, when practicing he was a brilliant and accomplished cardiac surgeon. Having lived in NJ for several decades, I know two people who were his patients.
Interesting, interesting…………..
A TV doc *who has never lived in PA* vs a potato. We are screwed in PA
True! God bless y’all.
Potato! Lol!
Hope that works out. I remember arming the Taliban though….
You mean the guys affiliated with the guys who firebombed our car? Yeah, I remember...
And the Mujahedin before them.
...........when the wintertime rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death!