It’s only been a few months since libertarian icon Dave Smith sat down with Tucker Carlson — or as Smith put it, “One coup and one assassination attempt ago.” But with the political world moving so quickly, the pair decided to reunite for another conversation.
You can find the entire discussion on Tucker Carlson’s website (and it’s well worth watching!), but since we’ve got a few Smith fans here (myself being one of them), I’ve clipped a few of my personal highlights to share with the class. (Hurray for video editing practice!)
At the beginning of the discussion, Smith talks about the unexpected rise of Kamala Harris taking the place of Joe Biden:
The conversation shifted to the “division” in the country, and Smith noted that the divide isn’t between left/right — it’s between establishment/dissident. (Guess which side we’re on.) To prove his case, Smith points out that Glenn Greenwald is on the same side as Tucker — but Mitch McConnel isn’t.
Smith goes on to say that one of the strengths of the establishment is its message discipline — something sorely lacking in the MAGA movement:
Carlson then brought up the fact America doesn’t seem to have a president at the moment, and Smith replied that suits the Swamp just fine. Smith made the point that if Joe Biden could win, he’d still be in the race — so there IS some sort of upper limit on the Swamp’s ability to reshape reality. (This is refreshing.)
The topic then turned to the recent assassination attempt against Trump, and Dave Smith outright says what I’ve been thinking:
I love that these guys also bring up the pipe bombs on January 6th. Like Smith says — WHAT IS THAT?
Later in the discussion, the pair discuss the Jeffery Epstein situation:
After having a good laugh, Smith talks about the pressure to set a good example for his young son — and that’s maybe why you SHOULD speak out against the ‘dangerous’ people.
He’s right.
The topic shifted quickly to the speech madness occurring in the UK, with a side helping of commentary about January 6th:
When Tucker asked Smith what Trump should be running on, Smith provided four key topics. First up, repudiating the entire establishment, which has been pretty awful the last 25 years……
Point number two was to campaign on no stupid wars — a longtime issue of mine. One of the most disappointing things in my political life was watching the anti-war left evaporate before our eyes after Obama was elected in 2008.
In this video, Smith lays out his last two points: immigration (already a big Trump win), and a topic near and dear to us here — government-led censorship.
The topic immediately turned to covid, and how Fauci has it for the third time after getting vaccinated six times. This led to an interesting discussion about the vaccine and government lying about the vaccine:
The conversation then turned to RFK and his affect on the race. Smith believes that an endorsement from RFK won’t swing a lot of people, because they obviously have reasons they aren’t already supporting Trump. (Or Harris) He also notes that both major candidates don’t want him on the debate stage, because that would force them to talk about covid — and neither candidate really wants that.
In the last video, Smith provides a reason to be optimistic that we can break the full court press of propaganda. (Bonus Alex Berenson and Substack references!)
That’s the rundown — hope you enjoyed it!
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Apologies for the late publication, Substack went down for maintenance just before I was finished!
The world according to politics moves at two paces:
Fast, as you note - that's the splashy frontpage stuff. "Trump talks to Elon! Skyfall!". Sound and fury, 99 out of 100 times not signifying anything. Anything from media being media to attempted "Oh look a squirrel!", and everything in between.
But then there's the slow undercurrent (cue John Williams' score from 'Jaws'), where the real stuff gets done. The laws and taxes and subsidies and grift hidden in Bible-length documents, tangled up in legal-Shmegol processes, and the ever-present flow of lobbyists, special interest people, community organisers, and so on.
While watching white water-rafter on the surface is entertaining, and has a point (the undercurrent's predators need the shoals up above to feed on), to really git'erdone you need to don your heavy-duty deep diving armour, Abyss-style, and try and find those warheads.
Sorry, the metaphor sort-of ran away with me.