Reading the thread I want to know about the psyops focused on Americans.

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It was all the other ones.

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I mean, I already know about the Covid-19 psyop, the "vaccine" psyop, the FTX psyop, the Trans psyop, the white supremacist psyop, etc, I just want them confirmed....

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On Twitter the other day, a red-pilled liberal that I follow said the following: "Nearly every instance of government overreach that I'm fighting or fearful of today has its roots in the Patriot Act. Why wasn't I screaming and resisting 20 years ago? Why weren't all of us?"

To which my answer was, "We were, but you weren't listening."

There are two ways to react to frightening situations (be they 9/11 or a worldwide pandemic): the first is to throw up your hands and look for someone else to save you and gladly hand over your civil liberties for the short-term illusion of safety, and the second is to understand that no matter what happens, you have far more to fear from a government with power than any terrorist act, or pandemic or attack on "democracy." The people who understand the second are few and far between, but in the end, you will always and without exception at some point regret not listening to them.

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Huh. And it's likely the 9/11 event was planned as a pretext of the controlled demolition of our rights and freedoms. Straight vertical, free-fall speed drop of 3 skyscrapers in NYC. WT1, WT2 and WT7 (which was not damaged by airplanes). Stories of building closures on weekends with activity heard between floors, explosive charges detonated in perfect synchronization to drop the buildings, the court order that was ignored by the Bush White House, and all of the evidence hauled off to China to be melted down.

Aint no tin foil hat big enough to hide all this.

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Well said Lillia. I have a similar experience with a long time friend. He has truly awoken.

"The means of defense against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home"

- James Madison

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Excellent comment. Very true.

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Yep. Some of us got called unpatriotic and shunned from society -- although not to the extent that we see these days.

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Even George Carlin warned.

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It's kinda like if several trains full of fireworks simultaneously crashed into a fleet of school buses full of nuns. It's hard to look away.

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something out of a Fellini film, perchance, Mek?

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SF and DC Facebook sites already have SCIFs? How cozy.

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What is a SCIF? The government has too many acronyms for me to follow.

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Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (pronounced “skiff”), a U.S. Department of Defense term for a secure room. It can be a secure room or data center that guards against electronic surveillance and suppresses data leakage of sensitive military and security information. SCIFs are used to deny unau­tho­rized per­son­nel, such as for­eign intel­li­gence ser­vices or corporate spies, the oppor­tu­nity for unde­tected entry into facil­i­ties for the exploita­tion of sen­si­tive activ­i­ties.

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You mean, like Hillary’s bathroom closet?

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I see, I wonder if they actually had their own private data center. That wouldn't surprise me.

I did see the references to communicating over "teleporter". Not postive what that is, but seems to be a sort of secure communication network for LEI (dropbox for the feds? lol). Not sure if that is related to CJIS/LEEP - which seems to be FBI run intranet type deal where they are communicating with each other.

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Taxpayers payed Twitter $3.5 million for censorship, wonder how much everybody else got?

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That guy, Ron Paul, has the integrity of a REAL doctor, and a Patriot, and a Good Man.

We need guys like HIM, in every township, and chuck the damn govt. We can still have a standing army and I can't think of anything else we need the govt. for after that!

If we want govt, we can have LOCAL LOCAL I said LOCAL govt. :)

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My man Ron Paul.

I saw him speak once.. I think it was 10 years ago? Maybe longer.

He came up to New England and spoke at a nearby college auditorium.

Completely banged it out, massive crowd. Vibes were great.

But yeah, this is it. The Government is controlling the media, the economy, where you can and cant go. Everything you say or do is tracked (and even if initially done by private companies, the info is being funnelled to government). The Military Industrial Complex is out of control in a poorly defined money pit of a war

(and to point out the obvious, it's ukraine now, but there was basically 0 time off getting there from the endless war in the middle east before it).

The fed is running completely rampant and has given up all guise of being an independent entity.

So like, yeah. This is it, he did warn us. And here we are.

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Interesting way to put it and something I had not put together. Obviously leaving Afghanistan concurrent with Ukraine would be too much for Milley and Austin to handle. Not to mention apparently no 10% for the Big Guy in Afghanistan.

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The media is "controlling" the state as well if you think about it.

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By "the state" do you mean the People?

Because it seems to me the govt/fbi/oligarchy are controlling the MEDIA, not the reverse.

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Given the number of "ex"-FBI at Twitter, I don't think any of those entities have any actual separation at all. It's all one, big, loathesome incestuous family, working hard in the eternal pursuit of power.

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Yeah, I'd say that's accurate. Or at least mostly. I remember when this sort of slipped by, back in the 80's. I was gonna major in Journalism, and then changed my mind. I was also gonna be a teacher, and then changed my mind. And people are so damn brainwashed, ya can't get a job doing SHIT without the State there giving you a "license" and saying you're okay to work... It's amazing to me all the stuff you CAN'T DO without a LICENSE... and there's NOTHING you can do without being TAXED to the eyeballs... Shiiiiiiiit.

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It is wild though, because you see the FBI using the media reports as sort of .. reason or excuse for doing what they are doing.

I.E. FBI is doing this internet drag net because of reports of Russian interference in the news paper or whatever. But it's likely the FBI themselves (or possibly some other political organization) is sort of the reason for that reporting in the first place. It's circular.

It's similar to what was going on with lead up Iraq war and WMD stuff, I think they referred to it as stovepiping. Or maybe that's not exactly the correct term here, but it seems to be sort of similar.

Like bush admin tells media there's proof of WMD's and then when NYT says "Iraq has WMD's according to sources" then Bush admin uses that report as proof that WMDs exist, because it was "independently reported in the NYT..".

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Yeah, I see what you're saying, and I think you're right. But as far as the CONTROL, I do think it's the Oligarchs BEHIND (as in, paying) the govt. idiots, who think THEY are the Big Deal, but the Oligarchs are USING them (govt, media, everybody), they don't care about them, would happily and easily off them if they feel they need to, and the whole circus is all about convincing US that we have no choice but to do as they say.

I think we should UTTERLY ignore them, go local, use cash, maybe go back to gold & silver coins when we're able, and until then , BLOW OFF the federal anything at all. Cheers. :)

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I'm not sure that gold and silver are viable as a form of currency any longer. I would certainly prefer to use them, but I think that people have become far too used to fiat currency to go back to specie currency. Even during the Roman and later English currency debasement problems, people still expected even the debased (as in, made of base metals, not gold or silver) currency to be some sort of physical object made of *some* metal. These days, far too many people are far too comfortable with money made of paper, or even purely of electrons.

I dunno, maybe there's an answer and I'm just not smart enough to see it, but I have no idea how to retrain the entire population of the world to not accept government promises in place of specie coins. Particularly since a huge percentage of that population explicitly benefits from *not* changing. Every beneficiary of the welfare state has strong reasons to resist "rebasing" (to -- HAH! -- coin a phrase) the currency.

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The population is currently IN TRAINING right now, via DEATH of millions.

Yeah the paper currency is very handy, and not very heavy! But we do NOT need a damn govt. I feel pretty sure about that. Localize and re-configure. I want REAL freedom, not this pretend shit where they just pilfer all your money anyway. Grrrrrrr, WOOF.

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This is exactly what they do. This is how Hillary got the Trump Russian Bank rumor started.


Sussman has pled not guilty and maintains he was a private citizen when the meeting took place, and not there on behalf of a client:


Mook and another top Clinton campaign official, general counsel Marc Elias, reinforced that assertion this week on the witness stand. They both testified they didn't authorize or direct Sussmann to go to the FBI with the explosive Trump tip. Mook said Friday that he didn't even know who Sussmann was during the 2016 campaign, and would've opposed an FBI meeting.

"Going to the FBI does not seem like an effective way to get information out to the public," Mook said. "You do that through the media, which is why the information was shared with the media."


Of course, this misses the most obvious point: Without the FBI ‘investigation’, there was no story at all to begin with. The point of leaking it to the FBI before the press is to grant the story legitimacy it didn’t have.

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And JFK was gonna scrap the whole shebang, and they offed him.

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Well said.

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Tail wagging the dog. Many such cases. Sad!

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Way back I wondered if the DNC wasn't just a cover for the media/MIC empire.

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Ba-blam. Well said!

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The real question becomes -- now that the fraud has been laid bare, do they "use force" and expose the brick wall at the back of the theater?

A mashup of these two quotes:

“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.”

― George Orwell


“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

― Frank Zappa

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Indeed! And you know, the Bad Guys have been telling us what's coming for a while now. So it's not like it's all some big mystery. I think they WILL rely on force... And they'll start by shutting down our connectivity and our means of heating our homes this winter, whattya bet?

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I bet these types of situations turn into Sri Lanka really quickly.

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This will turn into what it turns into... We don't know yet. It might end up being the way OUT of this whole mess. But it ain't done yet, so let's not decide what it is yet... It creates expectations. Let's wait and see what we do. Know what I mean? The future is not yet written...

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Here is an article by Lee Fang--the author of #8.

It looks like he had it ready to release as soon as he posted the files on Twitter.

This is something we haven't had..


Internal documents show Twitter whitelisted CENTCOM accounts that were then used to run its online influence campaign abroad.


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Did we not see the connection when Covid started? I was seeing govt. lockstep activity (and other countries' govt's, not just in the US, or the Five Eyes, but GLOBALLY), and how the media was all lined up and ready to roll, and the censorship started early on in 2020 (well, before that, really, but NOTICEABLY in 2020), and... Are we surprised now? I'm not, I'd bet you're not, either.

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Yep! I shoved that into the article once I saw it was posted. It's a smart move, because even when the thread is done, it's hard to read on Twitter. (One reason I point people to Brad's awesome unrolls)

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Black pill incoming.

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Yeah. This one is............not good. More reason for the rest of the world to hate us.

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And yet. It's a love-hate relationship. The bedrock of your constitution, the idea of your country, the clear call of freedom, is still strong and has pull for many. Babies and bathwater. I wouldn't give up on yourselves yet. You need a cleansing and centering. Redemption. A recalibration back to first principles.

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It sounds like you are posting this from outside the US. Unfortunately the regular sheep,

our neighbors, many of them Again-Late, do not possess the fortitude to participate in what must be done. The scenery has yet to come down for them.

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I don't think we need EVERYONE to participate... Just enough to do what needs done. I think that could happen with a fairly small amount of people... And the rest simply Do Not Comply. If all we could get done is bringing down the towers, that would be very very helpful for us.

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Yep. From way down in Africa. So at quite a remove. We're currently sitting with non-stop electricity loadshedding which may well ramp up to 8-10 hours a day, while Europe woos us for our coal and slips us "green" deals with hypocritical sleight-of-hand. We've had our country gutted by state capture and a post-liberation free-for-all. Covid has all but finished us off. Yet, hope is not dimmed. We have, at least, escaped some of the worst of the medical tyranny. I hold on to that. South Africans are a resilient bunch. We continue to face our darkness square-on and poke the ashes for our Phoenix. National stability is a fragile thing. It is worth defending your freedoms with every fibre of your collective being. You need to cut out the rot, quick.

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I'm sorry for the troubles you have in Africa. Please know there are many people who are praying for, or "vibing," or however we want to think about it-- sending LOVE-- to Africa and ALL the Peoples of the world. ❤❤❤

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Thanks, Word Herder! Any and all good thoughts and prayers and love are needed by our poor country and, indeed, the world. We have to show the avaricious globalist elites the true meaning of solidarity in our united resistance to their greed and tyranny.

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The people saying "free-dumb" don't really understand what it's like not to have it. They think the dance clubs and the coffee places will stay open, even though they serve no purpose for The State.

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It helps to remember that these folks are victims, too. It's not like we haven't all been GUIDED into what we're now in. We aren't just a bunch of idiots, we've been led down the path, partly with rewards for it, and partly because we had little choice. So... It's pointless to sit around dissing our own people, or anybody, besides the Bad Guys. I'm happy to diss THEM, lol. But focus needs to be on solutions, not on what can't be done.

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If you think about it, what has been exploited here, is humankind's very capacity for empathy and kindness. All in clandestine service to mega-profit. Or to cover up massive negligence/fraud/malfeasance. Or both.

The weaponising of compassion (don't kill granny, etc) has managed to get to the kids and bleeding-heart liberals first (I mean that not unkindly - these are well-meaning people). It has subverted and perverted their natural inclinations and naivete, which have then perversely been turned against those who are a bit more sceptical and less taken in.

And while we're all squabbling, the various mechanisms are put in place for our technocratic enslavement. We've had a period of "breaking in" and acclimatisation, of course. So many have shown themselves willing to "present papers", to mask up, and to comply. When CBDCs and social credit scores are edged in, they think no-one will blink an eye.

We need to prove them wrong.

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What an EXCELLENT summation. You nailed that thing right on down. And I agree, totally.

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Yes. Divide and rule is as old as the hills. We should be able to start recognising it and countering it by now. Refuse the division and distraction and focus on where the real evil is being perpetrated.

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It's up to those of us who can see what's going on to be able to explain it to those who can't.

So we have to be Good Teachers.

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I guess they are free to be dumb. These people are useful idiots. And that's putting it kindly.

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Yep. Too right. Nothing like a bit of deprivation to help re-align one's thinking. Problem is that the re-alignment always comes too late.

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They already hate us! We're the fucking nightmare on Death Street. If we haven't bombed the shit outta their country, we've made them our economic slaves... US hegemony has been ramping up more and more since the late 1800's. Look what we did to the Philippines!! Horror. And Guatemala & Honduras, for United Fruit... We've been real assholes from waaaay back. Oh, and let's not forget Korea and Vietnam! And then the Middle East, and neighbors to the South (we screwed Mexico WAAAY back there, stole half their country! Okay, I won't get too rabid!

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As a friend who is... significantly more a fan of the "old left" than I am once retorted, regarding communism / socialism and Central America, "Yeah, the US behaved so badly in the area with what they were calling capitalism that they managed to make communism look good by comparison." Having read the history of the Banana Republics, I am hard pressed to disagree.

Not that it's going to turn me into a fan of Marx, but I can understand why someone who had only experienced that sort of "capitalism" might find the promises of the Proletariat Revolution appealing.

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I'm not saying Marxism. I'm saying stop the predatory hegemony and fuckery of others, in other countries and our own. This Deep State/MIC/Economic Predation needs to END. Or sooner or later, others will end it for us, and end us, too.

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Sorry if I was unclear, I was merely offering an anecdote by way of agreeing with you regarding the behavior of the US in Central America. (And by extension, elsewhere.) The specific case of Marxism there is just an example of one way the US has ended up creating enemies that didn't need to exist. Though, of course, their existence *was* good for the MIC. *sigh*

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No worries. I just write that way... everybody thinks I'm FURIOUS, lol. Well, I guess I AM furious, but not at anybody in these chats... I'm furious at the Bad Guys.

Anyway, our current system is a horror show, and THIS ain't what the Founders had in mind, at least, not the wise ones. But like in any time/place, the wise ones are fewer and usually outvoted by the greedy ones.

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O, hey. Thanks for the alert.

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