
Also important happy news, we spotted G hanging out in the alley this morning. He seems to be completely fine and is just enjoying being able to hang out all night with his buddies. What a relief!

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Very well. The dog adores them and they had no fear of him even when they first arrived. They're sleeping with me now and the short haired one is VERY cuddly and will likely become a bed hog later in life. It is really nice to wake up under a pile of kittens every morning, it gives meaning back to life. 😄

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Imagine if they held a national selection (I mean election) and no one showed up? Imagine if we all chose to watch anything but politics for the next year plus? Imagine if we did what a lot of us did during the "covid" hustle and just shut it all off? The only way these people are successful at dividing us and causing fear, hate and confusion is when we participate in it. I will be opting out.

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I predict Biden and the Dem establishment will engineer a LBJ "exit".


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If all those good things are "whiteness," I sure wish I wasn't born so beige.

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Promptness is racist?

When reality encounters modern technology, it learns that simultaneous use of intersecting runways doesn't care about the race of the pilots.

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May 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

So hang on, does that mean if I show up at the African American History Museum one minute after closing, they still have to let me in or else they’re the museum face of white supremacy?

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

I find it hilarious when MSNBC or CNN have a bunch of black anchors on at once -- at the very same time, a half screen (2) or a full screen (4) -- complaining about all the systemic racism. WTH? Would they even be on TV is we were indeed stuck in the pre-Civil Rights (or earlier) era? Do viewers actually see how ludicrous it is for such elite affirmative-action no-talent check-the-box high-and-mighty to pretend they have been subjected to any racism?

Lately there's been some banking commercial on too, that shows several blacks sitting at a table, discussing how the oldest woman there has been their banker for over 20+ years. I don't see how that would even be possible if we've been living with "systemic racism" and "white supremacy" all this time!

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Could someone please explain to Joy Behar that by insisting that Black Americans must be Democrats makes her the actual RACIST!

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And before Musk arrived with his big fat checkbook, Twitter was a Far Left Social Network and it cannot be denied, that all these loons were perfectly fine with that!

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May 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Oooh! Oooh! Is it the same playbook as the last half dozen presidential elections?

I.e.: "This Republican candidate is even more Hitlery than the last one, somehow!"

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May 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

The neo-lib playbook of creating straw men and sowing hate is getting tiresome. The shrinking of legacy media and the growth of Substack are hopeful signs that the public is catching on.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

As I said in another comment, embrace the "racist" label to defang its power.

Saw these t-shirts on Etsy:


Edited to add--what's funny is most of the shirts (after the first dozen or so shown) are seriously delusional by calling others racist or implying others are racist.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Well, this is what happens when people don't fight back against idiotic terminology fast and hard from the start. These morons got to trample all over the landscape and you can't clean up while they're still rampaging.

We have *ethnicities* and *cultures.* We have philosophical foundations to every culture. Religions are philosophical foundations.

Americans are the inheritors of the fruits of the Western Enlightenment. Letting these morons call it *white supremacy* was the fatal mistake. They should have been mocked out of the room and apparently all the smart conservatives were caught with their pants down on this because the only person I see saying "fruits of the Western Enlightenment" routinely and unrelentingly is me.

America succeeded as well as it did for a considerable period of time because of the "melting pot" theory. No other nation had that. People were able to actually become American. One can have French citizenship but the French will never really believe you've become French. As I understand it, the Japanese won't even give you citizenship.

We need to confront every stupid remark with questions. "What is 'white'?"

It used to be recognized everywhere in every nation-state that people had micro-local cultures, even if they shared the same ethnic heritage broadly across the territories that became their nation-states; that's why every country has a standardized form of the national language (or languages) taught in school, because there are so many dialects. Go look up how many dialects of Dutch are spoken in a small country like Belgium. We let too many morons in this country get away with not recognizing the essential unifying power of a commonly recognized standard form of language accessible to everyone regardless of their origins and home form of speech. I'm a garden-variety Noo Yawkuh born to English-speaking parents and I have my "official office voice" (not needed anymore these days) and my moderately well-spoken voice and my "just for friends" voice. Black people did not invent "code-switching."

Until we get people thinking about reality again, and not all this bilgewater propaganda from every side, we don't have a hope in hell.

[edited for grammar]

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May 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

"Not real blacks"... I "love" it, meaning I find it wonderful these schmucks are displaying their racism - their actual, real and classic racism at that!- for all to see.

A certain someone, once upon a time, declared the japanese "honorary arians" so as not to violate his own dogma. This is pretty much the same thing they are doing, insisting that "race" (meaning skin colour only to boot, so even worse!) means there's a whole thing you imply must be in to, or you're not areal scotsman, I mean black I mean whatever.

There's one thing pointing out that the only way to be inuit (or swede or turk or whatever) is to be born one and a whole'nother thing to claim that just because you are X you must also think Y about Z.

/Especially/ for americans, and to a lesser extent brits/Commonwealth-ers, seeing as "american" doesn't have a set skin colour, does it?

Do you think they ever stop and think "What the Sam Hill am I saying?"? What's next, the Democrat Party handing out free fried chicken and watermelon in black majority districts? Got to love fried chicken and watermelon, or you ain't proper black like, is that the Democrats' idea of how to not be racist maybe?

Gah! It's not even my nation but such a blatant display of real true racism á la pre-WW2 really get my cylinders firing!

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VANITY FAIR, THE ATLANTIC, & TIME magazines are all as honorable and decent as any ten-cent whore.

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